- Abraham Lincoln
Democracy means Rule by Majority. What if the Majority is sleeping like a log since time immemorial? Strategy of CRY BABY, Playing Victim, Human Rights & Cultural Aggressiveness. The Appeased Minority becomes KingMaker by En-Bloc Vote Bank..Extremely AGGRESSIVE in Conversions & ...changing the Demographic structure in its favour by Pushing forward its Agenda of Leading by Enhancing Populations & Frantic Multiplication. Long Live Minorityism! Long Live DemonoCracy!!!
Go Goa Gone

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Friday, June 18, 2010
...says Abraham Lincoln on friendship
"If friendship is your weakest point then you are the strongest person in the world"
- Abraham Lincoln
- Abraham Lincoln
Kazakh proverbs: Folklore of Kazakhstan
Kazakh proverbs: Folklore of Kazakhstan
- Motherland is the mother to people; people is the mother to a dzhigit (skilful horseman).
- There is no place like your Motherland.
- The best people are in your motherland.
- Love to the Motherland starts in the family.
- The Motherland can get you warm better than fire.
- There is a lot of gold in some places, but still the Motherland is dearer than gold.
- An onion can be as sweet as honey if it grows in your Motherland.
- Even a mole feels strong when it is in his hole.
- If your sickle is sharp you wil I have a rich crop, if your Motherland is strong you will be as strong as your enemy.
- As small as sparrow is, it still protects its nest.
- A goose misses its lake, a man longs for his Motherland.
- You must have not gone too far if you were able to find your way back.
- Even air in your land can cure.
- Native land is a paradise for everybody.
- To betray the Motherland is as bad as to bury yourself alive.
- A man cries over the loss of his wife until she is buried, a man cries over the loss of his Motherland until he is buried.
- Afield looks lonely if it has not been sowed and a dzhigit looks lonely if he does not have a Motherland.
- Days and nights are beautiful in your Motherland.
- Any land is good but the Motherland is the best.
- A crow from your land is better than a hawk from a foreign land.
- If a horse misses its herd, it stamps its back hooves. If a man misses company, he harnesses his horse.
- Even if I cannot be a khan in my Motherland, I would be happy to be just a stone in a ravine.
- A divided country will fall; a united country will standfast.
- Never enter a seedy place; never live in a country without a leader.
- Each country has different laws, even different dogs.
- When the people will stand up, they can reach the sky.
- That dzhigit is happy if he knows his price. People are happy who rule themselves.
- To go up against people is like to swim against the current.
- Who leads the people will swallow butter, who lags behind the people will swallows dust.
- The history of land is the history of its people.
- The people's wrath can destroy even fortresses.
- A road can mean another road, the people can get closer to people.
- If the people are looking for one if their own, they will find him in no time. The people have long hands.
- The people do not talk empty talk, whatever they talk is sensible.
- The people's strength is as powerful as a mud slide.
- One can live with loss of sight but cannot live without people.
- A fowl can be very playful but will never run away from the herd.
- A merchant is a spoon, the people is the sea.
- People's smile is hotter than the sun.
- Eyes of a hundred people can warm you up better than the sun.
- A man can be more intelligent than his friends but cannot be wiser than the whole people.
- It is better to cook porridge for a hundred people that to be a boss for ten.
- One cannot put a plug on people's mouth.
- It is better to be a servant to six people than to be a leader of five.
- The people have sharp sight and generous hands.
- People's gratitude is a real grace.
- There is no people without the eldest.
- Who travels in other countries will be a critic, who wanders the forest will be a builder.
- There are no people without conflicts, there is no land without enemies.
- The people without thieves are like the land without wolves.
- There is no people without sons as there is no land without flowers.
- The people without a khan is like the land without mountains.
- The one who does not know his people cannot judge other people.
- Happiness does not run away from the people and craftiness cannot slip away from the people.
- A man is a guest in this life.
- If the people are united, there is no place for hostility.
- One cannot embrace the people's bosom.
- There is no wall the people can seize.
- A wolf cannot get enough of sheep and a man cannot get enough of thinking.
- One can better than a batyr but cannot be better than the people.
Uzbek proverbs
Uzbek proverbs
If you have peace in your land,
You will have health in your hand.
He, who eats, works,
He, who starves, shirks.
A man is known by his work and hire,
Iron is known by the refining fire.
Never the work for today,
Leave for tomorrow or another day.
For the man of real art,
With seventy skills must take part.
Leave a mother with her child,
And the tulips with the flowers wild.
If you respect someone, you will learn,
That you will have respect in turn.
Good breeding and good grace
Are not sold in the market place.
Shame and guilt and disgrace
Are much harder than death to face.
There is no greater wealth from whence
Come knowledge and intelligence.
Wisdom, so says every sage,
Does not depend on greater age.
A foolish man, as the donkey brays,
Only himself will he praise.
When a father's work is done,
The result is a well-trained son.
When at first you use your mind,
Your words will be better inclined.
Who speaks a little knows a lot,
And when he speaks, it's with great thought.
Spoken words with sweet intention,
Are sweeter than the sweetest confection.
Upon our friends,
Our strength depends.
Cloth, seven times measured with care,
Cut but once without err.
A real man must keep his word,
As every lion's roar is heard.
In one place, a forest scene,
The trees become so very green.
To good men, always stay very near,
From the bad stay far, and fear.
As the sword is held upon your head,
Speak the truth, there is naught to dread.
When you hide your disgrace,
The affliction will show on your face.
If you want respect, as such,
Don't ask from others very much.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Obama hasn't learned lessons of Bhopal guardian.co.uk, Thursday 10 June 2010
'Delhi has stripped a flagship nuclear bill of a clause that allowed companies to be sued for negligence in the event of an accident.'
This clause has been added back
May be Guardian’s heart bleeds for British Petroleum more than for Bhopal Gas Slaughter victims. But the points it has raised are pertinent.
While Barack Obama is lambasting BP for spreading muck in the Gulf of Mexico, he should perhaps pencil in a date with the people of Bhopal when he visits India later this year. While 11 men lost their lives on BP's watch and the shrimps get coated with black stuff, the chemicals that killed thousands of people in Bhopal in 1984 are still leaching into the ground water a quarter of a century after a poisonous, milky-white cloud settled over the city. The compensation – some $470m – paid out by Union Carbide, the US owner of the plant and now part of Dow Chemical, was just the cash it received from its insurers to compensate the victims, a process that took 17 years. But it's one rule for them and another for anybody else.
Obama wants "British Petroleum" to pay back every nickel and dime the Deepwater Horizon disaster costs. To make sure BP gets the message, the president says he back Congress plans to retrospectively raise the liability limit for claims from $75m to $10bn. That's real money. While foreign companies in the US are shown the big stick, Washington offers a big shield for its multinationals abroad. In the case of Bhopal, it was the US that blocked India's requests to extradite Warren Anderson, the former chairman of Union Carbide who accepted "moral responsibility" for the accident until a short spell in an Indian jail changed his mind.
This week saw just the prosecution of local Indian managers – 26 years after the event.
Surely today India, which says it is an emerging power that wants to shape the world, would be able to stand up to the United States today?
India's still playing a craven toady to a US that is ruthlessly pursuing an agenda where commercial interests are put above the lives of others. Delhi has stripped a flagship nuclear bill of a clause that allowed companies to be sued for negligence in the event of an accident.
It is bizarre to see a leader of the developing world offer up its citizens' lives cheaply to secure investment from foreign companies and governments. Under the civil liabilities for nuclear damage bill, central to a deal with the controversial nuclear pact with the US, costs for cleaning up a catastrophic failure would end up being paid by the Indian taxpayer.
Sure, India is desperate for the nuclear deal – which will see it become the only nonpermanent member of the UN security council to keep its atomic weapons and trade in nuclear know-how. But at what price? Today we know.
Business Note on Kyrgyz Republic-- Kyrgyzistan
Cities: Bishkek (capital), Osh, Cholpon Ata, Karakol.
Population (July 2008): 5,356,869.
Annual growth rate (2008): 1.38%.
Ethnic groups (2007): Kyrgyz 68.9%; Russian 9.1%; Uzbek 14.4%; Dungan (ethnic Chinese Muslims) 1%; Uighurs 1%; Tajik 0.9%, Kazakh 0.8%, Tatars 0.7%; Korean 0.4%, German 0.3%.
Main religions: Islam; Russian Orthodox.
Languages: Kyrgyz (state); Russian (official, 2001).
Natural resources: Abundant hydropower; significant deposits of gold and rare earth metals; locally exploitable coal, oil, and natural gas; other deposits of iron, bauxite, copper, tin, molybdenum, mercury, and antimony.
Agriculture: Products--tobacco, cotton, wheat, vegetables (potatoes, sugar beets, beans), fruits (apples, apricots, peaches, grapes), berries, sheep, goats, cattle, wool.
Industry: Types--small machinery (electric motors, transformers), light industry (cotton and wool processing, textiles, food processing), construction materials (cement, glass, slate), shoes, furniture, mining, energy.
Trade: Exports (2008)--$1.6 billion: cotton, wool, meat, tobacco, gold, mercury, uranium, hydropower, machinery, shoes. Partners--Switzerland 27.3%, Russia 19.2%, Uzbekistan 14.3%, Kazakhstan 11.3%, France 6.7%, Afghanistan 2.8%. Imports--$3.3 billion: oil and gas, machinery and equipment, foodstuffs. Partners--Russia 44.3%, China 14.6%, Kazakhstan 11.4%, Uzbekistan 4.4%, U.S. 3.0%.
According to recent findings of Kyrgyz and Chinese historians, Kyrgyz history dates back to 201 B.C. The earliest descendents of the Kyrgyz people, who are believed to be of Turkic descent, lived in the northeastern part of what is currently Mongolia.
Later, some of their tribes migrated to the region that is currently southern Siberia and settled along the Yenisey River, where they lived from the 6th until the 8th centuries. They spread across what is now the Tuva region of the Russian Federation, remaining in that area until the rise of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century, when the Kyrgyz began migrating south. In the 12th century, Islam became the predominant religion in the region. Most Kyrgyz are Sunni Muslims of the Hanafi school.
During the 15th-16th centuries, the Kyrgyz people settled in the territory currently known as the Kyrgyz Republic. In the early 19th century, the southern territory of the Kyrgyz Republic came under the control of the Khanate of Kokand, and the territory was formally incorporated into the Russian Empire in 1876.
In June 1990, ethnic tensions between Uzbeks and Kyrgyz surfaced in an area of the Osh Oblast, where Uzbeks form a majority of the population. Violent confrontations ensued, and a state of emergency and curfew were introduced. Order was not restored until August 1990.
In February 1991, the name of the capital, Frunze, was changed back to its pre-revolutionary name--Bishkek.
The Kyrgyz Republic's economy was severely affected by the collapse of the Soviet Union and the resulting loss of its vast market. In 1990, some 98% of Kyrgyz exports went to other parts of the Soviet Union.
The Kyrgyz Republic's principal exports are nonferrous metals and minerals, woolen goods and other agricultural products, electric energy, and certain engineering goods. Its imports include petroleum and natural gas, ferrous metals, chemicals, most machinery, wood and paper products, some foods, and some construction materials. Its leading trade partners include Switzerland, Russia, China, and neighboring Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
The Kyrgyz Republic exports antimony, mercury, rare-earth metals, and chemical products to the United States. It imports grain, medicine and medical equipment, vegetable oil, paper products, rice, machinery, agricultural equipment, and meat from the United States.
Red-haired and blue-eyed, they are believed to have migrated from the Yenisei River in Siberia between the 9th and 12th centuries. Central Asia's steppes and mountains had been home to waves of nomadic empires for thousands of years and the new arrivals found themselves fending off constant invasions by warrior tribes.
When the fiercest of the invaders, Chingiz Khan, swept through in 1219, life changed forever. The Mongol Empire stretched across the region, razing the Silk Road oases of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva to the ground. The Kyrgyz owed their survival to their nomadic mountain lifestyle, intricately evolved over 2,500 years, and their excellent horsemanship, which gave them supremacy over sedentary peoples.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Chandi-Ashok, the fearsome & loathsome destroyer of Kalinga, or the Dhamma-Ashok, the upholder of justice & equity
This distant tragedy is both germane to and with far reaching implications for Non-Violent people’s movements all over India, but particularly in the Mineral rich Belt of Dandkaaranya, for protecting livelihoods and dispossession from land and other natural resources (Jal, Jamin aur Jungle – Water, Land and Forests), and how the Indian State chooses to deal with it. Till now it has chosen to deal with disproportionate & brutal force these peaceful struggles. Unfortunately, Indian State has a very rich & colourful legacy to fall back upon.
Mahabharat has a story of how Khandav Van, in the vicinity of present day Delhi – the seat of power, was destroyed for growth & development (GDP) by the then Kuru dynasty. Kuru, an invading clan, had a ongoing feud with Naga people (indigenous tribes of India), who resisted their unwanted, forceful & bloody encroachment.
Arjuna and Krishna burn the Khandav van, laughing merrily as they do so while causing death & destruction of humans, animals, forests and water bodies. Is that going to be the role model for today’s Bharatvarsha? Republic of India adopted as its state emblem the seal of Emperor Ashoka. Whether this emblem represents deeds of the Chandi-Ashok, the fearsome & loathsome destroyer of Kalinga, or the Dhamma-Ashok, the upholder of justice & equity, is the epochal question.
Unique Identification Number (UID) and National Population Register
Unique Identification Number (UID) and National Population Register.
Since Nandan Nilkeni became the Tsar of the Unique Identification Authority of India, the corporate world, Urban Outsourced Generation (UOG) & GOI have all been enamored of the project. As if social responsibility schemes of the government didn’t function as intended because the poor couldn’t be identified with certainty without an UID.
Any system however foolproof may finally be operated by ‘malevolent fools’, who can abuse it if it lacks transparency, oversight, & active participation of citizens/ populace. Aruna Roy, Sandeep Pande, and many others have shown how the proverbially leaking National Rural employment Guarantee Scheme can be plugged and disabused through social audit and local vigilance.
The leaks in public distribution system (PDS) or ration shops have been stopped in one district by creation of people’s vigilance squad around every ration shop and informing them through SMS as soon as a truck leaves from the main distribution warehouses for the ration shop and ensuring a reply SMS upon its arrival. RTI act has become an efficacious tool in the hands of many public spirited citizens to right the wrongs in the system.
Thus UID cannot be a panacea for all evils and if subverted it can be a frightening instrument itself of evil in the hands of those so willed & in power.
Creation of a comprehensive database- Unique Identification Number (UID) and National Population Register is suspect
Creation of a comprehensive database- Unique Identification Number (UID) and National Population Register is suspect because :
1. State already has enormous and highly disproportionate power in its dealings with the citizenry. The relationship is already skewed. Once a comprehensive database is created there is no way to protect who will use it for what purposes.
2. History has umpteen examples of use of such data for diabolic purposes, such as IBM created census data abused by the Nazis for identifying, locating, and finally abusing Jews. In 1984, a pogrom conducted by Congress goons against the Sikhs after Indira Gandhi’s assassination relied upon voters-list in some instances (I was witness to this) to reach & target Sikh households in affluent areas.
3. No guarantees can be given or accepted against the stealing of the data by unauthorized agencies – both state and non-state actors for their own purposes. Insurance companies in the west have accessed and stored data about genetic/ prenatal and post natal defect to deny medical insurance cover to affected individuals.
In short in an already asymmetric world, it will be suicidal to be a silent bystander and passively observe creation of an “information-asymmetry” that could prove disastrous. Information Monopoly has to be resisted at all cost as any centralization leads to abuse. Instead, information democracy (read transparency) needs to be fought for and strengthened.
In the letter Gopal Krishna of Citizens Forum for Civil Liberties argues makes a case against UID.
Monday, June 14, 2010
A child is, at times, scared of the moon falling upon him and tries to take preventive action
Scientists like Newton could not see it in their times due to lack of knowledge about the structure of matter. He had no clue about the six Quarks. The .made have simplified it
Unfortunately we confine our learning to the history of mankind. If such controls were possible, there would be no isotopes. There would be no mavericks. The presence of amvericks and centrifugal forces gives us avery dynamic, Every planet would either have a circular motion or it would escape from the sun's gravity at speeds in excess of the escape velocity.
But that does not happen. A child is, at times, scared of the moon falling upon him and tries to take preventive action. It happens more when one is unwell. I experienced something similar as a kind when I had high fever.
Even the email below beautifully states that while awesome change is wrought outside, the evolutionary processes still act at biological clock speeds
Therefore, while from the point of view of the Homosapiens witnessing the present century, identification shall be a revolutionary deed, history will see it as a small event. Opposition to it may not find even a passing mention, even though it is desirable to have it.
If identification was not an natural need of all matter-energy-knowledge systems, animals would not resort to it.
UID-- see this century as the century of identification
The author of the attachment has not been able to make a good case against UID, even though points like Hitler's mass abuse should arouse attention. But then so were things like gun powder abused. By now mankind has come to believe that it ends up finding antidotes for all evils that it creates. So no one will ever be deterred by such issues.
Ask the poor migrants how thrilled they are at getting UID and you will understand. ask the people in the border areas and they might give mixed response. yet, asset enumeration is a must for any society where rights and priviledges are linked with identities. You have failed to notice that animal identification is going on quietly but at a agreater speed. Why? Even those doing it do not know.
Even though I seem to be advocationg for the UID, I am not. I have no opinion. All I know is that this is an unstoppable, inescapable storm that will inundate the world.
Crazy disruptions are possible in the structure of the world economic order and it is one technology route that could ultimately empower the distributed and fragmented citizens of the world by uniting them in one virtual cosmic environment. From thence, where they go will depend entirely upon them. I would thus see this century as the century of identification.
Is centralization and control inevitable?
Is centralization and control inevitable? This is debatable, but we will come to it in a moment. What is inevitable need not be desirable, what is desirable is usually not inevitable. Therefore, nothing is inevitable in human dimensions until it happens. However, in cosmic dimensions where things work according to immutable laws such inevitability thrives. Coming to ‘ is centralization and control inevitable?’, there are already hopeful signs that it may not be so.
-Internet, the ubiquitous medium that has made groups possible has grown organically and is a democratic forum in its structure. No one entity controls it or administers it. There was a move to do so in the name of efficiency and effectiveness but it has not succeeded. Most complex and stable systems, such as we, have lots of redundancies and flab. Highly efficient systems are sensitive to even slight perturbation, there is no slack, and can self destruct. I would happily sacrifice efficiency for democracy & complexity.
-Open source software movement is alive, gathering strength and I believe has a great future. No one controls, everyone corroborates, all benefit. It is like the INTELLECTUAL COMMONS – the study of COMMONS, that they manage resources better, though democratic & albeit inefficient, than private organizations that are highly efficient but not guided by right values, fetched the 2009 “The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences” to Elinor Ostrom.
I use open source Firefox browser and have found it to be far superior for security, stability and functionality to competition.
-Slow Food Nation – is a movement that believes in the age old dictum in many cultures including Ayurveda that says “you are what you eat”. It wants to regain control over food, what they eat – how they eat – when they eat – where they eat, that has been lost to corporations in USA and Europe, and slowly creeping elsewhere. If people eat right things in moderation, then most of the pharmaceutical industry would be wiped out. Today’s life style is like driving a car with one foot on accelerator and the other on the brake. One achieves locomotion but at high energy & low happiness.
I can signal more examples, but suffice it is to say that communities have to regain control over their lives by actively participating in and influencing issues that shape their lives. Democracy is not about casting vote every 5 years and outsourcing governance to someone else in the hope they will do it at least as good as you and for your benefit. They haven’t and they won’t.
During 9/11 fear psychosis when US citizens were paralyzed with fear, their nightmares were deliberately magnified with war on terror rhetoric and Patriot Act was passed that compromised freedom. Entire nation was lead to war on misinformation and at the end of it Osama Bin Laden is still at large, millions have been killed, injured and displaced. This would not have been possible but for the concentration of power, political – Economic – Media – and Information , in the hands of few.
Once life is patented, then every specimen is a mere instance.
I round up with a story from Dandakaranya. When I was in Dantewada, the cordon and search operation were in full swing. Security forces routinely picked up tribals from villages on suspicion of being Maoists supporters. Some were killed or disappeared, others were tortured and released. A rumour started, possibly planted by those out to make quick money, that those who have an photo identity card will be spared by the security forces.
Many tribals paid handsome amounts to get their photo I cards made from private shops. It didn’t help them, but certainly did the shopkeepers. Same stories abound in the slums of Mumbai, where they are told if UID is made they will get their own free accommodation. That poor people are infatuated by IDs would not surprise anyone who knows the misinformation behind it. Secondly, the mad rush to identify everything is because indentifying is seen as first step to own it. Same is true with patents; water, air, and even life will be patented one day unless it is fought tooth and nail.
Once life is patented, then every specimen is a mere instance.
in future we will have 4th or 5th waves when Terabytes give way to Exabyte to Yottabyte
Ever since natural selection released homo sapiens wild in the nature with formidable brain size & hitherto unsurpassed cognitive skills, HS has widely altered the environment around her. Though it is fashionable to recognize technology as a game changer only in the 20th century & later, it has always been so. The hunter gatherer natural state was slowly but surely left behind through anthropo-selection of desirable traits in wild animals to domesticate them and through animal-husbandry to nurture livestock for food, clothing, protection, locomotion etc. Similarly wild varieties of plants were cultivated into stable agriculture.
This earliest technological leap allowed permanent settlements & growth of civilization as we term it. This was one giant transformation as perforce small communities of hunter gatherers could grow into city states and empires, colonize lands, alter landscapes, develop astronomy, medicine, literature and so on.
This enabled creation of surplus, and thereby notion of private property. Second great transformation took place when essentially artisanal production system of great esthetics & individuality that was supplementary to primacy of agriculture gave way to industrialized production based on new energy sources & machinery designed to take advantage of them. Today we talk of 3rd wave of change when smoke stack factories are relegated into background and knowledge farms have taken their place. I have no doubts in future we will have 4th or 5th waves when Terabytes give way to Exabyte to Yottabyte.
This enabled creation of surplus, and thereby notion of private property. Second great transformation took place when essentially artisanal production system of great esthetics & individuality that was supplementary to primacy of agriculture gave way to industrialized production based on new energy sources & machinery designed to take advantage of them. Today we talk of 3rd wave of change when smoke stack factories are relegated into background and knowledge farms have taken their place. I have no doubts in future we will have 4th or 5th waves when Terabytes give way to Exabyte to Yottabyte.
Point of this brief sketch was to show that while awesome change is wrought outside, the evolutionary processes still act at biological clock speeds. HS’s innate nature hasn’t changed much through all of this. If an infant from ‘primitive’ tribe is transplanted into ‘post modern’ society, it would have no difficulty in adjusting and excelling in outward appurtenances. That’s why Madonna’s adoptions in Malawi don’t run into any existentialist issues of this nature in USA. While Nature has remained same, the process of centralization and control have continued unabated through all this.
How progressively fewer and fewer corporations and individuals are controlling more and more resources on earth has raised concerns in many quarters, and great many counter movements are arising to resist this. Centralized data bases on every HS who roams the earth is the dream every ruler, marketer, advertiser, etc. lovingly dreams of. Every person, group, community, who value their independence have to be conscious of this sequestering movement and devise strategies to defeat them.
Imagine with 2.7 billion people, even databases like oracle fail.
I read this article with interest as I have been associated with RFID, etc. since the year 2000. (I hold 3 inventions (2 patent pending) in this domain). That year I invented a dedicated system for uniquely identifying remote locations, sensing the inventory levels, transmitting signals to a database and initiating actions. I believed what I had as a small device to help take JIT to Well in Time, became too big for my shoes. I applied for a patent and after 7 yeras, was granted it.
In 2001, I approached Narayana Moorthy to join the RFID and inventory management venture but he could not appreciate the future potential. In 2004 I met Kris, the present chairman of Infosys. He did not believe that the Govt would free spectrum and allow RFID in. Nevertheless, they formed a JV with Dr. sanjay Sarma, my friend prof. at MIT in 2005-6 and 1n 2009, Nandan Nilekani joins a ministry with a miniscule Rs. 100 crore Rupee budget.
The business case is quite different from the stated objective as given in the attached document. It is that in the West, the computing industry grew several hundred times after the introduction of things like the SSN. This has been stated by nandan's friend who has authered "The world is flat". It is expected that demand for computing in India and China will far outstrip that in rest of the world..
Imagine with 2.7 billion people, even databases like oracle fail. Terradata may work for few years. Crazily giant database management systems, hardware at every nook, ubiquitous softwares and little chips in your soul..... this is bigger than what I thought it would become. So I am once again on the lookout for more VC funding. I already have one VC funded unit.
I am neither an advocate of fascism nor of democracy- I do not advocate even RFID and unique identification
The world is moving towards Hindlish and other simpler languages.Communication is difficult even with simple words. I do not think we should make it tougher by using rarely used words and phrases. That is if we are interested in all the members of this group.
I am neither an advocate of fascism nor of democracy. To me democracy is dictatorship of an expressive majority, just as communism is/was that of the proletariat. I do not advocate even RFID and unique identification. All these are passing traits.
I think we are unnecessarily worried about a giant, monolithic controlling entity taking over our planet, our lives.This will not happen as long as there is free will amongst the HS. It is this free will, which is not subservient to any form of governance... democracy/ dictatorship, etc. Free will is an innate property of all systems of this universe. ... living or dead,
As stated so beautifully,
Highly efficient systems are sensitive to even slight perturbation, there is no slack, and can self destruct.
Perfect mass can be shatters even by an iota of energy.
Irrespective of whether a controlling / driving force/ system (Govt. and State in this case) allows it or not, there will be opposition and as oppression increases, so will innate opposition to it resulting in a new state.
Hi do you permit me to call this YC's amandment to Newton's second law ?
UID, in principle, looks promising as a starting point
Hi there,
A few years back,the Govt realised that Ministries under their control all had their own databases for purposes like voting, PDS, Driving License etc which at times were manipulated and factually wrong. .
After the Mumbai Attack they realised that the starting point to indentify their fishermen was to give them ID Cards. PSU's like ECIL, BEL, ITI etc were roped in to produce MNIC's (Multipurpose National Identity Cards) NPR ( National Population Register) to identify them and distribute whatever benefits is due to them in a systematic and just way without musclemen, politicians etc pocketing the benefits.
UID, in principle, looks promising as a starting point and time will tell us if it is going to used as a tool to benefit or repress the citizens
Sunday, June 13, 2010
If the hand which is to wield the surgeon’s scalpel itself in rotten with gangrene, how can it self construct?
It is only when Indians are abroad that they are shamed into embarrassment about the crass corruption and loot in India. Corruption is the gravest internal & external security threat facing India, not Maoists or Pakistan, and Manmohan would have done well to address it.
But how can he? If the hand which is to wield the surgeon’s scalpel itself in rotten with gangrene, how can it self construct?
But how can he? If the hand which is to wield the surgeon’s scalpel itself in rotten with gangrene, how can it self construct?
Japan is known to be corrupt. USA and even countries in Europe too are corrupt but only in the rarefied altitude of boardrooms. They have successfully managed to barricade sleaze within the club of rich and powerful.
barricade sleaze,
crass corruption,
loot in India,
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Acharya Kriipalani-- eternal vigilance is the price of freedom
1. The concluding para of this article evokes some memories of the past. It also reinforces what I heard from Acharya Kriipalani that eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.
2.Around 1992 I had a Bihari friend who was very close to Chandra Shekhar, then the PM of India.We would often taunt him about their political clan. One day he gave a befitting rejoinder:
Jis desh ka voter he corrupt ho to politician kaise nahin na hoga. Ab dekhiye... purane zamane mein ek thho kambal dete the to pakka bhote milta tha. Aur aaj to sasura 500 rupaya le leta hai par bhote phir bhi kisi aur ko deta hai. Aisa beimaan janta ka neta beimaan nahin hoga to aur kya hoga.
We had no answer. Do you have?
3. I have a strange feeling that this article is a hoax. Several months ago I received a similar email raising similar issues and referring to panel discussion in Europe. This suspicion is reinforced by the fact that The Hindu online is not the first publisher of this article. The same article also appeared on 30/5/2010 ( a day before The Hindu) at
I therefore suspect if the genuine Mohan Murti, a resident director of reliance in europe, etc., would like to rub Indian leaders on the wrong side.
Wonder how I should go about cross checking on this piece.
Acharya Kriipalani,
Bihari friend,
Chandra Shekhar,
PM of India,
political clan,
How's life?and the family?
How's life?and the family? Heard that you are these days based in Bangalore. Presume you are in touch with Srinivasan who is also in Bangalore
It been a long time since we connected. We are from your IIFT batch. Your friends like Mudit, KV, Anil Mahajan, Dial Singh, Chadana,Pattu, Sarada, Menon, Divi Harnath, Despande, Anup, Anuradha, Jain, Saxena, Gatne etc are in regular touch thru the yahoo group "iift group".(from the 1990's)
We would like to enroll you as a member to our exlusuve group so that we can exchange emails and keep in touch.
We look forward to hearing from you (if this email reaches you)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
.. Once a Hyderabadi, always a Hyderabadi.. ..
1. Your address reads as 23-404-32/67A- 43 (New MCH number 56-678/4A/B- 22), while you actually live in the green colour second house beside zamzam cafe in lane behind Anand Theatre on SP Road .
2. You end up buying only a 'Paap Corn', whether it is a numaish, theatre workshop, food mela, consumer expo, designer jewellery show, science show or an automobile convention.
3. Your street has at least one roadside mobile hotel that serves Chinese delicacies such as " Vegetable soft needles", "Navrotten Kurma", "Chicken Manchewurea" or "American Chompsee".
4. Your answer is 'seedha chale jao' when somebody asks you for directions, whether it is to Malakpet, Masab Tank, Malkajgiri or Moosapet.
5. You come across tailors sporting the board: 'Immidiot delivery in two days onli'.
6.You can speak Hindi, Urdu, Hyderabadi Hinglish, Telenglish…. All except Telugu, fluently.
7.You ask the waiter to get you some ' Achaar' even if you are Sitting at a lavish continental banquet dinner with exotic Chinese, Mexican, Italian and Lebanese cuisines.
8. You order for a tea just after having had a Caramel20custard.
9. You have at least one Srinivas, Prasad, Raju, Rao or Venkatesh within six square feet. OR you have at least one cousin, friend, colleague or acquaintance with these names.
10. You have at least one cousin, friend, colleague or acquaintance in the US in software.
11. Every time somebody gives you a piece of good news, the first thing you ask him or her is 'Party kab hain?'
12. Refer to any past as 'parso', be it yesterday or long before Three hundred years.
13. You call 11 AM as subah subah.
14. You label your boss as 'Dimakh Kharab'
15. You are 15 minutes late and you feel you are on time.
16. You look at the ‘Fixed Price’ board and still ask 'dene ka bolo'
17. If you do not eat rice at least once a day you will die. (Nothing other than Rice is considered as a meal)
18. You feel offended by someone looking at you (Kaiku ghoorraa be?)
19. You think you are a born Shaayer and don’t miss an opportunity to use some typical filmi batein.
20. While someone does the above, you say ‘chubbe saale, mooh dekh aaine mein.’
21. You can say the typical "Light Le Le baap" and be cool without analyzing what the situation is.
22. You feel its legal and your Nizami birthright to show your hand and stop the traffic (better than a traffic police) while you cross the road whenever and wherever you like.
23. You can hang out in a Irani cafe the whole day after ordering one-cup tea and a empty saucer for yourself and your dear friend and you chat like that's the last day with each other.
24. You have to eat Paradise Biryani or Bawarchi Biryani atleast once in a month.
25. You go to the Petrol Bunk and say "Panch Point Single Oil maaro yaar" and hand over 15 bucks.
26. You can relate the words 'Nakko', 'Hou' ‘Kaiku’,'hallu' and make these the integral part of your vocabulary.
27. You tell your friend that you will 'just come back' ("abbhi aathu mein") and your friend knows that either you will take a couple of hours or not come back at all.
28. You watch every movie that releases, and end up saying oh! That was ok, but it could be better if it was made this way.
29. .. Once a Hyderabadi, always a Hyderabadi.. ..
Cures of Naxalism: If the “Shining India” stops its loot of “Desolate Bharat” and leave them to build their own lives according to their own priorities, they have still the ingenuity and resilience to succeed.
Cures of Naxalism: If the “Shining India” stops its loot of “Desolate Bharat” and leave them to build their own lives according to their own priorities, they have still the ingenuity and resilience to succeed.
To start with if we could prevail upon our government through spreading awareness about the huge plunder of countryside that is going on, it would help immensely. Stories about the brutal force used by the state to suppress the people who have begun to be assertive about not losing their meager possessions without a fight do not see coverage in mainstream media except may be as inconsequential footnotes.
If the “Shining India” stops its loot of “Desolate Bharat” and leave them to build their own lives according to their own priorities, they have still the ingenuity and resilience to succeed. See the story below about mass weddings organized through local efforts at fraction of a cost during this time of distress in Vidarbha, Maharashtra, when such functions are known to drive families into a debt trap and ultimately loss of their ancestral lands. These are the heartening stories that give up hope.
Having said that, I agree that we can & do need to do more than just dissemination of information about this state of affairs. But this do is an urgent task.
Action begins with thought. Action can be thoughtful, thoughtless and pure action devoid of thought. action after proper understanding of the subject behoves people with above average IQ. So let us divide our action into two parts.... one pertaining to understanding and second post understanding.
One has to have tentative, well grounded grasp of the issues involved and a vision of what is desirable. I am satisfied that by now we have 5-6 people interested in doing something. The numbers will go up and sometimes down. That should not be a deterrant.
above average IQ,
ancestral lands,
Cures of Naxalism,
Desolate Bharat,
Shining India,
Necessity knows no law and Naxalism is a result of this
We have courts of law and not courts of justice. A nation whose citizens are fearful of the Govt,
the Police and the Judiciary cannot be termed Free and democratic.
The fundamental right to justice as enshrined in the constitution has been reduced to a mockery.
It is only an eyewash and serves only the powerfuls and the haves.
The poor and slow delivery of justice is the single most reason for rampant corruption,naxalism
and other ills that plague our society.We are an over regulated country, we have laws for everything
but no just enforcement. Extreme law is extreme injustice.
Necessity knows no law and Naxalism is a result of this .
.........great thoughts, burning issues, the question is what are we doing about it other than indulging in a form of intellectual debate. The problem of our country has always been too much talk, and little action !! .. should we be adding to this din, or do something – howsoever small. Where does one start ??
Start by sticking to your strengths..... brain work...... data gathering, analysis. Spread it, now that you have better communication means. If you can, translate into action.
I feel the tribals, under a NGO, could form cooperatives so that they can get together for activities like growing crops,animal husbandary,forest produce, fishing, local bakeries, eateries, running tractors, repairing farm implements, recharging ground water, building check dams etc. This could improve their lot a bit.
.........great thoughts, burning issues, the question is what are we doing about it other than indulging in a form of intellectual debate. The problem of our country has always been too much talk, and little action !! .. should we be adding to this din, or do something – howsoever small. Where does one start ??
Start by sticking to your strengths..... brain work...... data gathering, analysis. Spread it, now that you have better communication means. If you can, translate into action.
I feel the tribals, under a NGO, could form cooperatives so that they can get together for activities like growing crops,animal husbandary,forest produce, fishing, local bakeries, eateries, running tractors, repairing farm implements, recharging ground water, building check dams etc. This could improve their lot a bit.
Causes of Naxalism- real issue at hand is organised exploitation of the indigenous people. And injustice
Causes of Naxalism It appears that the real issue at hand is organised exploitation of the indigenous people. And injustice.
Most of the time people mix up the terms injustice and illegality. The law of natural justice is the defining law for all the laws of the legal system. Injustice is the malaise of india. Even though we have made constittutional provisions of reservations to alleviate the lot of the tribals, they have, in reality benefited very few. The crooks amongst them have cornered power and are using state power to usrp their own people. The last CM of jharkhand is a case in point. He behaved like a big, powerful landlord of the state.
Look at the balance sheets of all the mining companies. Even a dead PSU horse like NMDC today makes profits in excess of Rs. 3,000/- crores per annum! Illegal mining in Bellary patronised by local politicians has brought about distributed justice through the wrong, convoluted route else there would be unrest even in Karnataka.
Aspiring tribals of Bastar and Jharkhand do not have the wherewithal to make commercial capital out of illegal mining. Everyday, 100,000 tons, (7000 trucks) of illegal mining is done by non tribals in Jharkhand.I wonder if the Naxal issue would be there at all if this illegal mining was in the hands of the tribals through legal means.
Just imagine 70,000 bullock carts being given to the tribals free of cost to do the mining without State levy (I am only trying to give a direction to a brain storming session on the possible solutions to the naxal problem). With the advent of open cast mining, bullock cart mining, though less efficient than drag lines and truck mining, may be socially more beneficial.
The cockeyed economic justice through illegal means leads to the creation of mafias with consequent ill effects. It is the creation of such commercial mafias that lead to the formation of the private army of the East India Company and subsequent enslavement of India by a puny International Trading Company!
I urge all the intellectuals of this and other fora not to underestimate the ill effects of organised suppression and organised injustice whether through democratic means or through use of force. They should actively mobilise opinion against organised injustice in its broadest form. Even international terrorism, including Hitler and Nazism has its roots in organised injustice and suppression. Otherwise your children may have to live in fear of terror of all kinds from all quarters.
I have given above a few off the cuff thoughts on the likely solutions to the tribal-naxal problem. It is unfair to do so. If someone out here can initiate a more detailed, serious, collaborative study of the malaise, it would definitely help.
As for my remarks regarding East India Co. and India's enslavement, these are borne out of years of study of the subject and academic works. So you can trust the accuracy of the data.
Remarks regarding organised injustice are my personal beliefs and convictions which I would be happy to defend if attacked. I personally believe that even current issues like corruption, crime, street violence and domestic violence have their roots in lack of justice. In fact, I have often toyed with the idea of forming a political party that has justice as its supreme motto.
Cheers for your well deserved cuppa tea or kaaapi after this piece :)
Your email presents a very realistic view .The tribals should benefit from Mining and the activities undertaken in the tribal areas. Education is the means but I feel gainful employment for the tribals (live with dignity) is a more urgent issue
Is the nation in a coma? by Mohan Murti
Is the nation in a coma? by Mohan Murti
......is delayed.”
Blinded by wealth
This seems true. In the European mind, caricature of a typical Indian encompasses qualities of falsification, telling lies, being fraudulent, dishonest, corrupt, arrogant, boastful, speaking loudly and bothering others in public places or, while travelling, swindling when the slightest of opportunity arises and spreading rumours about others. The list is truly......
Friday, June 4, 2010
India from north to down south upto DECCAN had become an ISLAMIC Country by 1707
Kill 30000 thousand in two days as what AKBAR did at Chittor.
The population of HINDUS were not restricted to the present geographic boundary of present day India but included present day Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, even parts of IRAN and the Central Asian republics.
India from north to down south upto DECCAN had become an ISLAMIC Country by 1707- death of AURANGAZEB. But the resurgence of HINDU power under MARATHAS and SIKHS resulted in large scale liquidation and migration of MUSLIMS from India between 1720 to 1840.
IRANIS, TURANIS, and the AFGHANS Muslims ran back to their respective countries. The liquidation of MUSLIMS was completed by the BRITISH after 1857, when for 4-6 years BRITISH did nothing but exterminate MUSLIMS in Gangetic plain and Punjab, resulting in more exodus of MUSLIMS from India to Iran, Afghanistan and Central ASIA.
"mutually assured destruction" - Nuclear Warheads (Source: SIPRI - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) -- Nuclear arsenals of India and Pakistan
"mutually assured destruction"
In its latest annual world military expenditure report released on Wednesday, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said Pakistan's weapons-grade plutonium production would jump seven-fold with the two new reactors at Khushab nearing completion.
"Our conservative estimates are that Pakistan has 60 warheads and could produce 100 nuclear weapons at short notice," said SIPRI, adding that Islamabad had earmarked its US-supplied F-16 fighters, Ghaznavi and Shaheen missiles as its nuke delivery systems.
India's nuclear weapons programme, in turn, has largely been plutonium-based, basically centred around the Pu-239 produced in research reactors like Cirus and Dhruva at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.
Nuclear arsenals of India, Pakistan, and even China, pale in comparison to the gigantic ones of the two former Cold War foes, US and Russia. SIPRI estimates there are a whopping 22,600 active, inactive and stored nuclear warheads around the globe, enough to destroy it several times over.
While Russia has 12,000 warheads, 4,630 of them "deployed" ones, US has 9,600, which includes 2,468 of them operational. The two have, however, recently decided to slash their inventories by nearly one-third.
France comes third with 300, followed by UK with 225. Israel, which like India and Pakistan is not a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, completes the list of the eight countries with nuclear weapons, with an arsenal of 80 warheads. Then, there is also North Korea, which has produced "enough plutonium for a small number of warheads", SIPRI said.
All these figures are not exact because countries keep their nuclear weapons programmes in thick cloaks of secrecy, which is only now being lifted by countries like US and UK.
India has been concerned about Pakistan's drive to bolster its nuclear arsenal over the past few years. While India has a clear and declared `no-first use' nuclear weapons doctrine, Pakistan has kept it vague to use as a tool to offset India's conventional military superiority.
Moreover, there is continuing controversy in India over whether the country has a credible thermonuclear or hydrogen bomb, given that a few experts contend the 45-kiloton thermonuclear device tested under the Pokhran-II tests in 1998 was "a fizzle".
The armed forces also remain quite worried about the lack of SLBMs (submarine-launched ballistic missiles) and ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles) in their armoury, which are needed for a credible deterrent and for robust second-strike capabilities against both Pakistan and China.
At present, only the short-range Prithvi missile (150-350km) and the 700km range Agni-I have been fully operationalized till now. Agni-II (over 2,000km) and Agni-III (3,500km) are still in the process of being inducted by the Strategic Forces Command. India's most ambitious strategic missile Agni-V, with a 5,000km range, in turn, will be tested for the first time only by early-2011 or so.
Nuclear Warheads (Source: SIPRI)
Russia: 12,000
US: 9,600
France: 300
UK: 225
China: 240
Pakistan: 70-90
Israel: 80
India: 60-80
Courtesy The Times of India
जनजातीय इलाकों में तत्काल शांति स्थापना को लेकर राष्ट्रपति के नाम लिखे डॉ बी डी शर्मा के पत्र का हिन्दी तर्जुमा (और अंग्रेजी प्रति) पेश है.
Dr.B.D.Sharma, Former Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes,
A11, Nangli Rajapur, Nizamuddin (East), New Delhi-110013
Tel 011-24353997 May 19, 2010
Dear friend
Tel 011-24353997 May 19, 2010
Dear friend
I am enclosing herewith a letter addressed to the President of India about ‘PEACE NOW in tribal areas’ for your kind information. The letter deals with some of the crucial Constitutional issues that are not in public domain as also the distorted perception about the tribal situation which stand in the way of a meaningful dialogue. In any case 'Peace Now ' is the first step with no condition on whose firm foundation any further action can sustain.
With best regards,
Dr B D Sharma
Dr B D Sharma
जनजातीय इलाकों में तत्काल शांति स्थापना को लेकर राष्ट्रपति के नाम लिखे डॉ बी डी शर्मा के पत्र का हिन्दी तर्जुमा (और अंग्रेजी प्रति) पेश है. राष्ट्र के सामने संकट की स्थिति है. गहरे आत्म-मंथन और एक समग्र आन्दोलन की जरूरत है. आप विचार कर अवगत कराइयेगा. आपसे यह भी अनुरोध है कि आप अपने संगठन / मित्र-मंडली के अन्य साथियों से भी इस विषय पर चर्चा कीजियेगा जिससे इस सम्बन्ध में एक साझी और निर्णायक प्रक्रिया को मजबूत किया जा सके.
पत्र में उठाये गए सवालों के ऐतिहासिक और संविधानिक सन्दर्भ को स्पष्ट करने वाली एक पुस्तक जून पहले सप्ताह में आपसी सहयोग से प्रकाशित होने वाली है. अपनी प्रति के लिए लिखियेगा.
पंकज पुष्कर
भारत जन आन्दोलन
------------------------------ ------
भारत जन आन्दोलन
डाक्टर बी डी शर्मा
पूर्व आयुक्त - अनुसूचित जाति-जनजाति
ए-११ नंगली रजापुर
निजामुद्दीन पूर्व
नई दिल्ली-११००१३
दूरभाष- 011-24353997 मई - १७ २०१०
पूर्व आयुक्त - अनुसूचित जाति-जनजाति
ए-११ नंगली रजापुर
निजामुद्दीन पूर्व
नई दिल्ली-११००१३
दूरभाष- 011-24353997
सेवा में,
राष्ट्रपति, भारत सरकार
नई दिल्ली
विषय- जनजातीय इलाकों में शांति-स्थापना
1. विदित हो कि आदिवासी मामलों से अपने आजीवन जुड़ाव के आधार पर (जिसकी शुरुआत सन् १९६८ में बस्तर से तब हुई जब वहां संकट के दिन थे और फिर अनुसूचित जाति-जनजाति का अंतिम आयुक्त (साल १९८६-१९९१) रहने की सांविधानिक जिम्मेदारी) मैं आपको यह पत्र एक ऐसे संकटपूर्ण समय में लिख रहा हूं जब आदिवासी जनता के मामले में सांविधानिक व्यवस्था लगभग ढहने की स्थिति में है,आबादी का यह हिस्सा लगभग युद्ध की सी स्थिति में फंसा हुआ है और उस पर हमले हो रहे हैं।
2. इस पत्र के माध्यम से मैं आपसे सीधा संवाद स्थापित कर रहा हूं क्योंकि जनता (और इसमें आदिवासी जनता भी शामिल है) आपको और राज्यपाल को भारत के सांविधानिक प्रधान के रूप में देखती है. संबद्ध राज्य संविधान की रक्षा-संरक्षा के क्रम में अपने दायित्वों का निर्वहन करते हुए इस बाबत शपथ उठाते हैं। अनुच्छेद ७८ के अन्तर्गत राष्ट्रपति के रूप में आपके कई अधिकार और कर्तव्य हैं जिसमें एक बात यह भी कही गई है कि मंत्रिमंडल और प्रशासन की सारी चर्चा की आपको जानकारी दी जाएगी और यह भी कि आप मंत्रिमंडल के समक्ष मामलों को विचारार्थ भेजेंगे।
3. खास तौर पर संविधान की पांचवी अनुसूची के अनुच्छेद 3 में कहा गया है- "ऐसे प्रत्येक राज्य का राज्यपाल जिसमें अनुसूचित क्षेत्र हैं, प्रतिवर्ष या जब राष्ट्रपति अपेक्षा करे, उस राज्य के अनुसूचित क्षेत्रों के प्रशासन के प्रशासन के संबंध में राष्ट्रपति को प्रतिवेदन देगा और संघ की कार्यपालिका शक्ति का विस्तार राज्य को उक्त क्षेत्रों के प्रशासन के बारे में निर्देश देने तक होगा।" इस संदर्भ में गौरतलब है कि कोई भी फलदायी रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत नहीं की गई है। आदिवासी मामलों की परामर्श-परिषद (पांचवी अनुसूची के अनुच्छेद 4) ने कोई प्रभावी परामर्श नहीं दिया।
4. विधि के अन्तर्गत राज्यपाल इस बात को सुनिश्चित कर सकता हैं कि संसद या राज्यों द्वारा बनाया गया कोई भी कानून आदिवासी मामलों में संकेतित दायरे में अमल में ना लाया जाय। मौजूदा स्थिति यह है कि भू-अर्जन और सरकारी आदेशों के जरिए आदिवासी का निर्मन दोहन और दमन हो रहा है। बावजूद इसके, कोई कार्रवाई नहीं की जा रही।
5. दरहकीकत, अगर गृहमंत्रालय के मंतव्य को मानें तो आदिवासी संघीय सरकार की जिम्मेदारी हैं ही नहीं। गृहमंत्रालय के अनुसार तो संघीय सरकार की जिम्मेदारी केवल राज्य सरकारों की मदद करना है। ऐसा कैसे हो सकता है? संघ की कार्यपालिका की शक्ति का विस्तार पांचवी अनुसूची के विधान के अन्तर्गत समस्त अनुसूचित क्षेत्रों तक किया गया है। इसके अतिरिक्त विधान यह भी है कि ‘ संघ अपनी कार्यपालिका की शक्ति के अन्तर्गत राज्यों को अनुसूचित इलाके के प्रशासन के बारे में निर्देश देगा ’
6. आदिवासी जनता के इतिहास के इस निर्णायक मोड़ पर मैं यह कहने से अपने को रोक नहीं सकता कि केंद्र सरकार आदिवासी जनता के मामले में अपने सांविधानिक दायित्वों का पालन नहीं करने की दोषी है। उसका दोष यह है कि उसने सन् साठ के दशक की स्थिति को जब आदिवासी इलाकों में छिटपुट विद्रोह हुए थे आज के ’युद्ध की सी स्थिति’ तक पहुंचने दिया। संविधान लागू होने के साथ ही आदिवासी मामलों के प्रशासन के संदर्भ में एक नाराजगी भीतर ही भीतर पनप रही थी मगर सरकार ने इस पर ध्यान नहीं दिया। साठ सालों में केंद्र सरकार ने इस संदर्भ में एक भी निर्देश राज्यों को जारी नहीं किया। राष्ट्र के प्रधान के रुप में इस निर्णायक समय में आपको सुनिश्चित करना चाहिए कि केंद्र सरकार भौतिक, आर्थिक और भावनात्मक रुप से तहस-नहस, धराशायी और वंचित आदिवासियों के प्रति यह मानकर कि उनकी यह क्षति अपूरणीय है खेद व्यक्त करते हुए अपनी सांविधानिक जिम्मेदारी निभाये। आदिवासियों की इस अपूरणीय क्षति और वंचना समता और न्याय के मूल्यों से संचालित इस राष्ट्र के उज्ज्वल माथे पर कलंक की तरह है।
7. मैं आपका ध्यान देश के एक बड़े इलाके में तकरीबन युद्ध की सी स्थिति में फंसी आदिवासी जनता के संदर्भ में कुछेक महत्वपूर्ण बिन्दुओं पर आकर्षित करना चाहता हूं। आपके एक सुयोग्य पूर्ववर्ती राष्ट्रपति श्री के आर नारायणन ने २६ जनवरी २००१ को राष्ट्र के नाम अपने संदेश में बड़े जतन से उन महनीय कानूनों की तरफ ध्यान दिलाया था जिन्हें आदिवासी क्षेत्रों की रक्षा के लिए बनाया गया है और जिन कानूनों को अदालतों ने भी अपने फैसलें देते समय आधारभूत माना है। श्री नारायणन ने गहरा अफसोस जाहिर करते हुए कहा था कि विकास की विडंबनाओं को ठीक-ठीक नहीं समझा गया है। उन्होंने बड़े मार्मिक स्वर में कहा था कि, ‘ कहीं ऐसा ना हो कि आगामी पीढियां कहें कि भारतीय गणतंत्र को वन-बहुल धरती और उस धरती पर सदियों से आबाद वनवासी जनता का विनाश करके बनाया गया।.’
8. कुछेक अपवादों को छोड़ दें तो अपने देश के सत्ताधारी अभिजन अक्सर आदिवासियों को गरीब बताकर यह कहते हैं कि उन्हें राष्ट्र की मुख्यधारा में शामिल करना है। यह दरअसल आदिवासी जीवन मूल्यों के प्रति इनकी निर्मम संवेदनहीनता और समझ के अभाव का सूचक है। ऐसा कह कर वे उन सहज लोगों के मर्मस्थान पर आघात करते हैं जिन्हें अपनी इज्जत जान से भी ज्यादा प्यारी है। ध्यान रहे कि आदिवासी गरीब नहीं है। आदिवासी जनता को उसके ही देस में, उस देस में जहां धरती माता ने अपनी इस प्रिय संतान के लिए प्रकृति का भरपूर खजाना लुटाया है, दायवंचित किया गया है। अपनी जीवंत विविधता पर गर्व करने वाली भारतीय सभ्यता के जगमग ताज में आदिवासी जनता सबसे रुपहला रत्न है।
9. यही नहीं, आदिवासी जनता ’.इस धरती पर सर्वाधिक लोकतांत्रिक मिजाज की जनता’ है। राष्ट्रनिर्माताओं ने इसी कारण उनकी रक्षा के लिए विशेष व्यवस्था की। पांचवी अनुसूची को 'संविधान के भीतर संविधान' की संज्ञा दी जाती है। फिर भी, इस समुदाय का संविधान अंगीकार करने के साथ ही तकरीबन अपराधीकरण कर दिया गया। पुराने चले आ रहे औपनिवेशिक कानूनों ने उन इलाकों को भी अपनी जद में ले लिया जिसे संविधान अंगीकार किए जाने से पहले अपवर्जित क्षेत्र (एक्सक्लूडेड एरिया) कहा जाता था। औपनिवेशिक कानूनों में समुदाय, समुदाय के रीति-रिवाज और गाँव-गणराज्य के अलिखित नियमों के लिए तनिक भी जगह नहीं रही। ऐसी विसंगति से उबारने के लिए ही राज्यपालों को असीमित शक्तियां दी गई हैं लेकिन वे आज भी इस बात से अनजान हैं कि इस संदर्भ में उनके हाथ पर हाथ धरकर बैठे रहने से आदिवासी जनता के जीवन पर कितना विध्वंसक प्रभाव पड़ा है।
10. पेसा यानी प्राविजन ऑव पंचायत (एक्सटेंशन टू द शिड्यूल्ड एरिया - १९९६ ) नाम का अधिनियम एक त्राणदाता की तरह सामने आया। इस कानून की रचना आदिवासियों के साथ हुए उपरोक्त ऐतिहासिक अन्याय के खात्मे के लिए किया गया था। पूरे देश में इस कानून ने आदिवासियों को आंदोलित किया। इस कानून को लेकर आदिवासियों के बीच यह मान्यता बनी कि इसके सहारे उनकी गरिमा की रखवाली होगी और उनकी स्वशासन की परंपरा जारी रहेगी। इस भाव को आदिवासी जनता ने 'मावा नाटे मावा राज' (हमारे गांव में हमारा राज) के नारे में व्यक्त किया। बहरहाल आदिवासी जनता के इस मनोभाव से सत्तापक्ष ने कोई सरोकार नहीं रखा। इसका एक कारण रहा सत्ताधारी अभिजन का पेसा कानून की मूल भावना से अलगाव। यह कानून कमोबेश हर राज्य में अपने अमल की राह देखता रहा।
11. आदिवासी जनता के लिए अपने देश में सहानुभूति की कमी नहीं रही है। नेहरु युग के पंचशील में इसके तत्व थे। फिर कुछ अनोखे सांविधानिक प्रावधान किए गए जिसमें आदिवासी मामलों को राष्ट्रीय हित के सवालों के रूप में दलगत संकीर्णताओं से ऊपर माना गया। साल १९७४ के ट्रायबल सब प्लान में आदिवासी इलाकों में विकास के मद्देनजर शोषण की समाप्ति के प्रति पुरजोर प्रतिबद्धता जाहिर की गई। फिर साल १९९६ के पेसा कानून में आदिवासी इलाके के लिए गाँव-गणराज्य की परिकल्पना साकार की गई और वनाधिकार कानून (साल २००६) के तहत आदिवासियों के साथ हुए ऐतिहासिक अन्याय के खात्मे का वादा किया गया। तो भी, इन प्रतिबद्धताओं का सबसे दुखद पहलू यह है कि आदिवासियों के साथ किए गए वादों की लंबी फेहरिश्त में कोई भी वादा ऐसा नहीं रहा जिसे तोड़ा नहीं गया, कई मामलों में तो वादों को तोड़ने की हद हो गई। मैं तोड़े गए वादों की एक फेहरिश्त भी इस सूची के साथ संलग्न कर रहा हूं।
12. वादे टूटते रहे और प्रशासन स्वयं शिकारी बन गया तथा सत्तापक्ष के शीर्षस्थ आंखे मूंदे रहे। ऐसी स्थिति में वे विस्थापन के कारण उजड़ने वाले आदिवासियों की गिनती तक भी नहीं जुटा सके। इस क्रम में बेचैनी बढ़ी और बलवे लगातार बढते गए। जंगल में रहने वाले जिन लोगों पर अंग्रेज तक जीत हासिल नहीं कर पाये थे उनके लिए यह राह चुनना स्वाभाविक था। तथाकथित विकास कार्यक्रमों के जरिए आदिवासियों को अपने साथ मिलाने की जुगत एक फांस साबित हुई। ये कार्यक्रम समता के मूल्यों का एक तरह से माखौल थे। गैरबराबरी के खिलाफ विद्रोह का झंडा उठाने वाले युवाजनों का एक हिस्सा आदिवासियों का साथी बना। साल १९९८ में मुझसे इन सहज-साधारण लोगों (आदिवासियों) ने कहा था- आसपास दादा (माओवादी) लोगों के आ जाने से हमें कम से कम दारोगा, पटवारी और फॉरेस्ट गार्ड के अत्याचारों से छुट्टी मिली है। फिर भी सत्तापक्ष इस बात पर डटा रहा कि आदिवासी इलाकों में नक्सलवाद की समस्या सिर्फ कानून-व्यवस्था की समस्या है। उसने अपनी इस रटंत में बदलाव की जरुरत नहीं समझी।
13. निष्कर्ष रुप में मेरी विनती है कि आप निम्नलिखित बातों पर तुरंत ध्यान दें-
(क) केंद्र सरकार से कहें कि वह आदिवासी जनता के प्रति अपनी विशेष जिम्मेदारी की बात सार्वजनिक रूप से व्यक्त करे।
राष्ट्रपति, भारत सरकार
नई दिल्ली
विषय- जनजातीय इलाकों में शांति-स्थापना
1. विदित हो कि आदिवासी मामलों से अपने आजीवन जुड़ाव के आधार पर (जिसकी शुरुआत सन् १९६८ में बस्तर से तब हुई जब वहां संकट के दिन थे और फिर अनुसूचित जाति-जनजाति का अंतिम आयुक्त (साल १९८६-१९९१) रहने की सांविधानिक जिम्मेदारी) मैं आपको यह पत्र एक ऐसे संकटपूर्ण समय में लिख रहा हूं जब आदिवासी जनता के मामले में सांविधानिक व्यवस्था लगभग ढहने की स्थिति में है,आबादी का यह हिस्सा लगभग युद्ध की सी स्थिति में फंसा हुआ है और उस पर हमले हो रहे हैं।
2. इस पत्र के माध्यम से मैं आपसे सीधा संवाद स्थापित कर रहा हूं क्योंकि जनता (और इसमें आदिवासी जनता भी शामिल है) आपको और राज्यपाल को भारत के सांविधानिक प्रधान के रूप में देखती है. संबद्ध राज्य संविधान की रक्षा-संरक्षा के क्रम में अपने दायित्वों का निर्वहन करते हुए इस बाबत शपथ उठाते हैं। अनुच्छेद ७८ के अन्तर्गत राष्ट्रपति के रूप में आपके कई अधिकार और कर्तव्य हैं जिसमें एक बात यह भी कही गई है कि मंत्रिमंडल और प्रशासन की सारी चर्चा की आपको जानकारी दी जाएगी और यह भी कि आप मंत्रिमंडल के समक्ष मामलों को विचारार्थ भेजेंगे।
3. खास तौर पर संविधान की पांचवी अनुसूची के अनुच्छेद 3 में कहा गया है- "ऐसे प्रत्येक राज्य का राज्यपाल जिसमें अनुसूचित क्षेत्र हैं, प्रतिवर्ष या जब राष्ट्रपति अपेक्षा करे, उस राज्य के अनुसूचित क्षेत्रों के प्रशासन के प्रशासन के संबंध में राष्ट्रपति को प्रतिवेदन देगा और संघ की कार्यपालिका शक्ति का विस्तार राज्य को उक्त क्षेत्रों के प्रशासन के बारे में निर्देश देने तक होगा।" इस संदर्भ में गौरतलब है कि कोई भी फलदायी रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत नहीं की गई है। आदिवासी मामलों की परामर्श-परिषद (पांचवी अनुसूची के अनुच्छेद 4) ने कोई प्रभावी परामर्श नहीं दिया।
4. विधि के अन्तर्गत राज्यपाल इस बात को सुनिश्चित कर सकता हैं कि संसद या राज्यों द्वारा बनाया गया कोई भी कानून आदिवासी मामलों में संकेतित दायरे में अमल में ना लाया जाय। मौजूदा स्थिति यह है कि भू-अर्जन और सरकारी आदेशों के जरिए आदिवासी का निर्मन दोहन और दमन हो रहा है। बावजूद इसके, कोई कार्रवाई नहीं की जा रही।
5. दरहकीकत, अगर गृहमंत्रालय के मंतव्य को मानें तो आदिवासी संघीय सरकार की जिम्मेदारी हैं ही नहीं। गृहमंत्रालय के अनुसार तो संघीय सरकार की जिम्मेदारी केवल राज्य सरकारों की मदद करना है। ऐसा कैसे हो सकता है? संघ की कार्यपालिका की शक्ति का विस्तार पांचवी अनुसूची के विधान के अन्तर्गत समस्त अनुसूचित क्षेत्रों तक किया गया है। इसके अतिरिक्त विधान यह भी है कि ‘ संघ अपनी कार्यपालिका की शक्ति के अन्तर्गत राज्यों को अनुसूचित इलाके के प्रशासन के बारे में निर्देश देगा ’
6. आदिवासी जनता के इतिहास के इस निर्णायक मोड़ पर मैं यह कहने से अपने को रोक नहीं सकता कि केंद्र सरकार आदिवासी जनता के मामले में अपने सांविधानिक दायित्वों का पालन नहीं करने की दोषी है। उसका दोष यह है कि उसने सन् साठ के दशक की स्थिति को जब आदिवासी इलाकों में छिटपुट विद्रोह हुए थे आज के ’युद्ध की सी स्थिति’ तक पहुंचने दिया। संविधान लागू होने के साथ ही आदिवासी मामलों के प्रशासन के संदर्भ में एक नाराजगी भीतर ही भीतर पनप रही थी मगर सरकार ने इस पर ध्यान नहीं दिया। साठ सालों में केंद्र सरकार ने इस संदर्भ में एक भी निर्देश राज्यों को जारी नहीं किया। राष्ट्र के प्रधान के रुप में इस निर्णायक समय में आपको सुनिश्चित करना चाहिए कि केंद्र सरकार भौतिक, आर्थिक और भावनात्मक रुप से तहस-नहस, धराशायी और वंचित आदिवासियों के प्रति यह मानकर कि उनकी यह क्षति अपूरणीय है खेद व्यक्त करते हुए अपनी सांविधानिक जिम्मेदारी निभाये। आदिवासियों की इस अपूरणीय क्षति और वंचना समता और न्याय के मूल्यों से संचालित इस राष्ट्र के उज्ज्वल माथे पर कलंक की तरह है।
7. मैं आपका ध्यान देश के एक बड़े इलाके में तकरीबन युद्ध की सी स्थिति में फंसी आदिवासी जनता के संदर्भ में कुछेक महत्वपूर्ण बिन्दुओं पर आकर्षित करना चाहता हूं। आपके एक सुयोग्य पूर्ववर्ती राष्ट्रपति श्री के आर नारायणन ने २६ जनवरी २००१ को राष्ट्र के नाम अपने संदेश में बड़े जतन से उन महनीय कानूनों की तरफ ध्यान दिलाया था जिन्हें आदिवासी क्षेत्रों की रक्षा के लिए बनाया गया है और जिन कानूनों को अदालतों ने भी अपने फैसलें देते समय आधारभूत माना है। श्री नारायणन ने गहरा अफसोस जाहिर करते हुए कहा था कि विकास की विडंबनाओं को ठीक-ठीक नहीं समझा गया है। उन्होंने बड़े मार्मिक स्वर में कहा था कि, ‘ कहीं ऐसा ना हो कि आगामी पीढियां कहें कि भारतीय गणतंत्र को वन-बहुल धरती और उस धरती पर सदियों से आबाद वनवासी जनता का विनाश करके बनाया गया।.’
8. कुछेक अपवादों को छोड़ दें तो अपने देश के सत्ताधारी अभिजन अक्सर आदिवासियों को गरीब बताकर यह कहते हैं कि उन्हें राष्ट्र की मुख्यधारा में शामिल करना है। यह दरअसल आदिवासी जीवन मूल्यों के प्रति इनकी निर्मम संवेदनहीनता और समझ के अभाव का सूचक है। ऐसा कह कर वे उन सहज लोगों के मर्मस्थान पर आघात करते हैं जिन्हें अपनी इज्जत जान से भी ज्यादा प्यारी है। ध्यान रहे कि आदिवासी गरीब नहीं है। आदिवासी जनता को उसके ही देस में, उस देस में जहां धरती माता ने अपनी इस प्रिय संतान के लिए प्रकृति का भरपूर खजाना लुटाया है, दायवंचित किया गया है। अपनी जीवंत विविधता पर गर्व करने वाली भारतीय सभ्यता के जगमग ताज में आदिवासी जनता सबसे रुपहला रत्न है।
9. यही नहीं, आदिवासी जनता ’.इस धरती पर सर्वाधिक लोकतांत्रिक मिजाज की जनता’ है। राष्ट्रनिर्माताओं ने इसी कारण उनकी रक्षा के लिए विशेष व्यवस्था की। पांचवी अनुसूची को 'संविधान के भीतर संविधान' की संज्ञा दी जाती है। फिर भी, इस समुदाय का संविधान अंगीकार करने के साथ ही तकरीबन अपराधीकरण कर दिया गया। पुराने चले आ रहे औपनिवेशिक कानूनों ने उन इलाकों को भी अपनी जद में ले लिया जिसे संविधान अंगीकार किए जाने से पहले अपवर्जित क्षेत्र (एक्सक्लूडेड एरिया) कहा जाता था। औपनिवेशिक कानूनों में समुदाय, समुदाय के रीति-रिवाज और गाँव-गणराज्य के अलिखित नियमों के लिए तनिक भी जगह नहीं रही। ऐसी विसंगति से उबारने के लिए ही राज्यपालों को असीमित शक्तियां दी गई हैं लेकिन वे आज भी इस बात से अनजान हैं कि इस संदर्भ में उनके हाथ पर हाथ धरकर बैठे रहने से आदिवासी जनता के जीवन पर कितना विध्वंसक प्रभाव पड़ा है।
10. पेसा यानी प्राविजन ऑव पंचायत (एक्सटेंशन टू द शिड्यूल्ड एरिया - १९९६ ) नाम का अधिनियम एक त्राणदाता की तरह सामने आया। इस कानून की रचना आदिवासियों के साथ हुए उपरोक्त ऐतिहासिक अन्याय के खात्मे के लिए किया गया था। पूरे देश में इस कानून ने आदिवासियों को आंदोलित किया। इस कानून को लेकर आदिवासियों के बीच यह मान्यता बनी कि इसके सहारे उनकी गरिमा की रखवाली होगी और उनकी स्वशासन की परंपरा जारी रहेगी। इस भाव को आदिवासी जनता ने 'मावा नाटे मावा राज' (हमारे गांव में हमारा राज) के नारे में व्यक्त किया। बहरहाल आदिवासी जनता के इस मनोभाव से सत्तापक्ष ने कोई सरोकार नहीं रखा। इसका एक कारण रहा सत्ताधारी अभिजन का पेसा कानून की मूल भावना से अलगाव। यह कानून कमोबेश हर राज्य में अपने अमल की राह देखता रहा।
11. आदिवासी जनता के लिए अपने देश में सहानुभूति की कमी नहीं रही है। नेहरु युग के पंचशील में इसके तत्व थे। फिर कुछ अनोखे सांविधानिक प्रावधान किए गए जिसमें आदिवासी मामलों को राष्ट्रीय हित के सवालों के रूप में दलगत संकीर्णताओं से ऊपर माना गया। साल १९७४ के ट्रायबल सब प्लान में आदिवासी इलाकों में विकास के मद्देनजर शोषण की समाप्ति के प्रति पुरजोर प्रतिबद्धता जाहिर की गई। फिर साल १९९६ के पेसा कानून में आदिवासी इलाके के लिए गाँव-गणराज्य की परिकल्पना साकार की गई और वनाधिकार कानून (साल २००६) के तहत आदिवासियों के साथ हुए ऐतिहासिक अन्याय के खात्मे का वादा किया गया। तो भी, इन प्रतिबद्धताओं का सबसे दुखद पहलू यह है कि आदिवासियों के साथ किए गए वादों की लंबी फेहरिश्त में कोई भी वादा ऐसा नहीं रहा जिसे तोड़ा नहीं गया, कई मामलों में तो वादों को तोड़ने की हद हो गई। मैं तोड़े गए वादों की एक फेहरिश्त भी इस सूची के साथ संलग्न कर रहा हूं।
12. वादे टूटते रहे और प्रशासन स्वयं शिकारी बन गया तथा सत्तापक्ष के शीर्षस्थ आंखे मूंदे रहे। ऐसी स्थिति में वे विस्थापन के कारण उजड़ने वाले आदिवासियों की गिनती तक भी नहीं जुटा सके। इस क्रम में बेचैनी बढ़ी और बलवे लगातार बढते गए। जंगल में रहने वाले जिन लोगों पर अंग्रेज तक जीत हासिल नहीं कर पाये थे उनके लिए यह राह चुनना स्वाभाविक था। तथाकथित विकास कार्यक्रमों के जरिए आदिवासियों को अपने साथ मिलाने की जुगत एक फांस साबित हुई। ये कार्यक्रम समता के मूल्यों का एक तरह से माखौल थे। गैरबराबरी के खिलाफ विद्रोह का झंडा उठाने वाले युवाजनों का एक हिस्सा आदिवासियों का साथी बना। साल १९९८ में मुझसे इन सहज-साधारण लोगों (आदिवासियों) ने कहा था- आसपास दादा (माओवादी) लोगों के आ जाने से हमें कम से कम दारोगा, पटवारी और फॉरेस्ट गार्ड के अत्याचारों से छुट्टी मिली है। फिर भी सत्तापक्ष इस बात पर डटा रहा कि आदिवासी इलाकों में नक्सलवाद की समस्या सिर्फ कानून-व्यवस्था की समस्या है। उसने अपनी इस रटंत में बदलाव की जरुरत नहीं समझी।
13. निष्कर्ष रुप में मेरी विनती है कि आप निम्नलिखित बातों पर तुरंत ध्यान दें-
(क) केंद्र सरकार से कहें कि वह आदिवासी जनता के प्रति अपनी विशेष जिम्मेदारी की बात सार्वजनिक रूप से व्यक्त करे।
(ख) आदिवासी इलाकों में तत्काल शांति बहाली का प्रस्ताव करें
(ग) निरंतर पर्यवेक्षण, पुनरावलोकन और कार्रवाई के लिए उपर तक जवाबदेही का एक ढांचा खड़ा किया जाय जिस तक पीडितों की सीधी पहुंच हो।
(घ) एक साल के अंदर-अंदर उन सारे वायदों का पालन हो जो आदिवासी जनता के साथ किए गए और जिन्हें राज्य ने तोड़ा है ।
(च) पेसा कानून के अन्तर्गत स्थानीय जनता की मंजूरी के प्रावधान का पालन दिखाने के लिए जिन मामलों में बलपूर्वक, धोखे-छल या फिर किसी अन्य जुगत से स्थानीय जनता की मंजूरी हासिल की गई और फैसले लिए गए उन फैसलों को पलटा जाये और उनकी जांच हो।
(छ) मौजूदा बिगड़े हालात के समग्र समाधान के लिए लिए व्यापक योजना बने और,
(ज) उन इलाकों में से कुछ का आप दौरा करें जहां सांविधानिक व्यवस्था पर जबर्दस्त संकट आन पड़ा है।.
आपका विश्वासी
बी डी शर्मा
1.श्री मनमोहन सिंह जी ,
प्रधानमंत्री, भारत सरकार
साऊथ ब्लॉक नई दिल्ली
2.श्री प्रणब मुखर्जी
वित्तमंत्री, भारत सरकार
नार्थ ब्लॉक नई दिल्ली
3. श्री वीरप्पा मोईली
विधि और न्यायमंत्री, भारत सरकार
शास्त्रीभवन, नई दिल्ली
(ग) निरंतर पर्यवेक्षण, पुनरावलोकन और कार्रवाई के लिए उपर तक जवाबदेही का एक ढांचा खड़ा किया जाय जिस तक पीडितों की सीधी पहुंच हो।
(घ) एक साल के अंदर-अंदर उन सारे वायदों का पालन हो जो आदिवासी जनता के साथ किए गए और जिन्हें राज्य ने तोड़ा है ।
(च) पेसा कानून के अन्तर्गत स्थानीय जनता की मंजूरी के प्रावधान का पालन दिखाने के लिए जिन मामलों में बलपूर्वक, धोखे-छल या फिर किसी अन्य जुगत से स्थानीय जनता की मंजूरी हासिल की गई और फैसले लिए गए उन फैसलों को पलटा जाये और उनकी जांच हो।
(छ) मौजूदा बिगड़े हालात के समग्र समाधान के लिए लिए व्यापक योजना बने और,
(ज) उन इलाकों में से कुछ का आप दौरा करें जहां सांविधानिक व्यवस्था पर जबर्दस्त संकट आन पड़ा है।.
आपका विश्वासी
बी डी शर्मा
1.श्री मनमोहन सिंह जी ,
प्रधानमंत्री, भारत सरकार
साऊथ ब्लॉक नई दिल्ली
2.श्री प्रणब मुखर्जी
वित्तमंत्री, भारत सरकार
नार्थ ब्लॉक नई दिल्ली
3. श्री वीरप्पा मोईली
विधि और न्यायमंत्री, भारत सरकार
शास्त्रीभवन, नई दिल्ली
4. श्री पी चिदंबरम्
गृहमंत्री, भारत सरकार
नार्थ ब्लॉक, नई दिल्ली
5 श्री कांतिलाल भूरिया
मंत्री आदिवासी मामले, भारत सरकार
शास्त्रीभवन, नई दिल्ली
6. डाक्टर सी पी जोशी
ग्रामीण विकास और पंचायती राज मंत्री,भारत सरकार
शास्त्रीभवन, नई दिल्ली
7 श्री जयराम रमेश
वन एवम् पर्यावरण मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
पर्यावरण भवन, लोदी रोड, नई दिल्ली
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