Hi IPCNWits,
We are over 180 members now & it is high time that we strictly follow the rules of the game. This group was mildly Moderated so far as a deliberate policy and the time has come now to announce to the group that it will be Moderated quite seriously. I have been rejecting around 3-5 e-mails a day from various members for posting to the IPCNW Group till today. You must have seen that a few e-mails not fitting into the system still used to appear as it is the cost of learning the group has to pay initially in the formative stage.Now the things stand changed & the group cannot pay the cost of learning anymore .I believe the members will act mature & not constrain the Moderator to outrightly Reject & Delete the messages not fitting the bill sent by them.The group & the group members cannot be allowed to suffer at all for the ignorance of rules by a few members ( "Ignorance of Law is No Excuse" ). I am reproducing the Rules For Posting To IPCNW compiled & sent to the group by Mr. Pradeep Dhar of Vitasta inc. Next time, if some member finds that the message sent by him to the group has not been transmitted to the group, he should introspect & see where he broke the rules & make sure he doesn't break it again.
Enjoy !
Anil M
Group Founder & Moderator
1) Please keep one-liners OFF the list. We strongly encourage you to send attaboys, thank yous, I agrees, and the like to people one-on-one in private e-mail.Here, they are little more than clutter to everyone but the person to whom you are responding. We are all very busy professionals, and we need to keep clutter to a minimum.
2) If you have the time to reply, you have the time to edit your posts. By that we mean *please* delete any remnant text that is not DIRECTLY RELEVANT to your reply. Also please delete any header, footer, or sig. file information that remains from the message to which you are replying. Your sig.file info. is fine -- we have no problem with that.
3) Reply line by line or section by section so that it is easy for people to see the *context* that inspired your response, and IDENTIFY the person you're replying to in the first line or section so that we will know who wrote what.Please do not post your words above those of the person you're replying to. Doing so is inconsiderate in that it requires the reader scroll up and down, up and down, up and down to get context. By that same token do not post your words at the very bottom of someone else's without editing out whatever in their post is no longer relevant.
4) As a courtesy, it is important to READ AND RESPOND to the OVERALL POINT someone is trying to make, rather than isolating out one line or pair of lines and replying to that as if that were all they had to say on the matter. Make sure you're seeing the forest AND the trees.
5) About confidentiality: do not forward IPCNW to other lists or to other non-IPCNW Ideas individuals unless you have the *permission* of the people quoted in the posts.
6) About conflict: Every once in a while, two or more of those present misunderstand each other or disagree to the point that offense is taken. Instead of raising their voices and having the others in the group crowd around them to watch the "fight," those involved directly in the potential fray "take it outside" to private e-mail where they may argue as long and as loudly as they like.Or they may choose to drop the matter and cool off for a while by joining other conversations.What they will *not* do is make a scene on list. "Making a scene" is defined as raising virtual voices to the point that it concerns or disturbs others. When in doubt, take it offlist. And in all things, remain courteous.
7) NO SPAMMING. Anyone caught spamming on this list or who is reported sending spam to members offlist will be banned *immediately*. [SPAM is defined as "Unsolicited e-mail messages offering everything from 'Discover the Secrets of Wealth on the Internet' to 'Low-Rate Mortgages' to 'Lose 4 - 6 Inches of Stubborn Fat Overnight!' Spam is usually sent to a large list of people, and usually ends up in the electronic trash."]
8) NO FLAMING. IPCNW is not a forum for rude debate. Instead, it is a circle of "people people" -- a friendly place where kindness is the rule and flaming is unthinkable.There are many lists on which you can find vitriolic arguments, personal attacks, and meanness in general. IPCNW is not one of them.Rudeness will not be tolerated.
Democracy means Rule by Majority. What if the Majority is sleeping like a log since time immemorial? Strategy of CRY BABY, Playing Victim, Human Rights & Cultural Aggressiveness. The Appeased Minority becomes KingMaker by En-Bloc Vote Bank..Extremely AGGRESSIVE in Conversions & ...changing the Demographic structure in its favour by Pushing forward its Agenda of Leading by Enhancing Populations & Frantic Multiplication. Long Live Minorityism! Long Live DemonoCracy!!!
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