Religion of Peace made it compulsory for the believers to pronounce malediction against Jews and Christians on daily basis, in the 5 daily prayers. This is the kind of brainwashing that you need to be aware. It’s a dangerous encouragement, if inculcated since childhood, can have a permanent detrimental effect on our brain.
I had been attending the mosque for nearly 23 years of my life, I know the kind of preaching instituted in the mosques as well. It’s always the condemnation of Kaafir (Unbelievers) that become the heat sermon, either in Friday prayer or even the E’id prayer.
I had been attending the mosque for nearly 23 years of my life, I know the kind of preaching instituted in the mosques as well. It’s always the condemnation of Kaafir (Unbelievers) that become the heat sermon, either in Friday prayer or even the E’id prayer.
If I tell you that in Buddhist temple, they never curse any living thing, except pray for the peace of the whole creation, don’t you think that it’s superior? I am no Buddhist, but I can clearly witness the problem within Religion of Peace. Religion of Peace is an ideology that propagate hatred against humankind.
Read the holy book in totality, you will observe the pattern where God is struggling against Unbelievers to bring them to the right course, right faith, and if failed, passed a cruel verdict to them, hell fire for eternity.
The most accepted earliest position is that all Unbelievers will be doomed to hell fire, even babies. Nevertheless, later scholars of Religion of Peace detected the illogicality of this idea and introduced certain lenient Sufistic thought where those Unbelievers who had never heard of Religion of Peace will be spared, not entering paradise or hell, but will be annihilated.
Read the holy book in totality, you will observe the pattern where God is struggling against Unbelievers to bring them to the right course, right faith, and if failed, passed a cruel verdict to them, hell fire for eternity.
The most accepted earliest position is that all Unbelievers will be doomed to hell fire, even babies. Nevertheless, later scholars of Religion of Peace detected the illogicality of this idea and introduced certain lenient Sufistic thought where those Unbelievers who had never heard of Religion of Peace will be spared, not entering paradise or hell, but will be annihilated.
Can you see the frailty of such reasoning? Do you or your human brother who was borne in Arctic had any choice to belong to an accepted religion? No, my human friend.
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