A team from the Karnataka police backed by a strong posse of the Kerala police entered the Anwarssery camp of the People's Democratic Party leader Abdul Nasir Maudany at 1.15 p.m. and arrested him as he was about to enter his ambulance and go to Karunagapally to surrender before the magistrate court there.
Though a group of PDP leaders raised slogans against the police and moved closer to the ambulance, they were quickly dispersed. Mr. Maudany’s ambulance driver was replaced with a police driver and the police took control immediately. With heavy police escort, the ambulance was driven out of the Anwarssery complex.
There was no clue as to where the police were taking Mr. Maudany initially. But police sources said the ambulance was being driven to Bharanikavu and will proceed to Thiruvanathapuram through M.C. Road via Kottarakara.
Tensions were already high at Anwarssery from early Tuesday morning with the Karnataka Home Minister V.S. Acharya stating around 10 a.m. that Mr. Maudany would be arrested within two hours and the latter’s camp announcing that he would surrender at a nearby court.
Following reports of his surrender at the "nearest court", a combination of riot and local police had been deployed at the magistrate court premises in Karunagapally. A team from the Karnataka police was also present there.
The "excessive" police deployment was condemned by the PDP leaders. They alleged that it created an atmosphere of tension and sent the wrong impression that in the absence of police deployment there would be violence and difficulties in executing the arrest warrant.
Shortly after noon, while addressing press persons, Mr. Maudany said that following the afternoon namaaz — with the orphans at Anwarssery — he would surrender before the nearest court. He reiterated that he had been framed in the Bangalore serial blasts case.
He said he had decided to surrender without waiting for the outcome of his bail plea in the Supreme Court which is scheduled to be taken up at 2 p.m. on Tuesday. He decided on surrendering before the court since he has confidence in the judiciary, he said.
Tension in Karunagapally
The arrest of Abdul Nasir Maudany on Tuesday afternoon from his Anwarssery camp triggered violence at the nearby Karunagapally Township shortly afterwards. As the news of the arrest was flashed on TV channels, a group of PDP activists blocked the National Highway 47 passing through the town.
A police team led by the Kollam District Superintendent of Police, Harshita Attaluri chased them away soon afterwards. But the group went to the nearby Puthiyakavu area, garnered more strength and started to march back to the town. On the way they stoned a car that was passing through the highway.
Police rushed to the scene and again chased the demonstrators away. Some were named by the police and then taken to the Karunagapally police station. Tension gripped the town and nearby areas.
All shops and commercial establishments in Karunagapally town and some of the nearby areas shut down. Educational institutions closed in the afternoon and students were asked to reach home as quickly as possible. Fearing trouble, even government employees left after closing the offices. The Karunagapally KSRTC depot announced suspending all services. Vehicular traffic through the National Highway along Karungapally was diverted. Many of the private vehicles coming from the Kollam and Alapuzha directions decided to take the Kottarakara route. There are reports that violence had erupted at Ochira as well.
Though a group of PDP leaders raised slogans against the police and moved closer to the ambulance, they were quickly dispersed. Mr. Maudany’s ambulance driver was replaced with a police driver and the police took control immediately. With heavy police escort, the ambulance was driven out of the Anwarssery complex.
There was no clue as to where the police were taking Mr. Maudany initially. But police sources said the ambulance was being driven to Bharanikavu and will proceed to Thiruvanathapuram through M.C. Road via Kottarakara.
Tensions were already high at Anwarssery from early Tuesday morning with the Karnataka Home Minister V.S. Acharya stating around 10 a.m. that Mr. Maudany would be arrested within two hours and the latter’s camp announcing that he would surrender at a nearby court.
Following reports of his surrender at the "nearest court", a combination of riot and local police had been deployed at the magistrate court premises in Karunagapally. A team from the Karnataka police was also present there.
The "excessive" police deployment was condemned by the PDP leaders. They alleged that it created an atmosphere of tension and sent the wrong impression that in the absence of police deployment there would be violence and difficulties in executing the arrest warrant.
Shortly after noon, while addressing press persons, Mr. Maudany said that following the afternoon namaaz — with the orphans at Anwarssery — he would surrender before the nearest court. He reiterated that he had been framed in the Bangalore serial blasts case.
He said he had decided to surrender without waiting for the outcome of his bail plea in the Supreme Court which is scheduled to be taken up at 2 p.m. on Tuesday. He decided on surrendering before the court since he has confidence in the judiciary, he said.
Tension in Karunagapally
The arrest of Abdul Nasir Maudany on Tuesday afternoon from his Anwarssery camp triggered violence at the nearby Karunagapally Township shortly afterwards. As the news of the arrest was flashed on TV channels, a group of PDP activists blocked the National Highway 47 passing through the town.
A police team led by the Kollam District Superintendent of Police, Harshita Attaluri chased them away soon afterwards. But the group went to the nearby Puthiyakavu area, garnered more strength and started to march back to the town. On the way they stoned a car that was passing through the highway.
Police rushed to the scene and again chased the demonstrators away. Some were named by the police and then taken to the Karunagapally police station. Tension gripped the town and nearby areas.
All shops and commercial establishments in Karunagapally town and some of the nearby areas shut down. Educational institutions closed in the afternoon and students were asked to reach home as quickly as possible. Fearing trouble, even government employees left after closing the offices. The Karunagapally KSRTC depot announced suspending all services. Vehicular traffic through the National Highway along Karungapally was diverted. Many of the private vehicles coming from the Kollam and Alapuzha directions decided to take the Kottarakara route. There are reports that violence had erupted at Ochira as well.
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