Comments by Indian on websites on RADICAL ISLAMISTS
RADICAL ISLAMISTS, never tolerate other cultures. The mythical state of pakistan wants to associate itself with ARABIA and trace their origin to arabia. Majority of pakistanis say that they are from Arabia, which is utter nonsense, because pakistanis are descendent's of HINDUS ancestors who were ruthlessly converted to islam. It is sad and ironic that the ancestors of those indulging in Jihad were the ones who suffered the worst plunder and pilliage of islam. The ancestors of the radical islamists were the worst sufferers of the terror of islam. Most muslims know this truth deep inside their heart, however they refuse to accept it. This identity crisis is the root cause of the problem. Check the DNA and it will be similar to rest of INDIA and very far away from Arab DNA.
Also please reflect on Balochistan, please reflect on mass murder or Shias, Ahmediyas and Bohras. Why no protests on streets of pakistan about this??? Because majority of pakistanis believe in Nizam-E-Mustafa, Dar-ul-Islam and radical interpretation of SUNNI RADICAL ISLAM.
Anyway, dear Jihadi's please do not attempt to shadow box like eunuchs? Don't indulge in hidden terrorist activities like an eunuch and do harm to our unarmed civilians in my sacred motherland. Please meet us in the battlefield, if you really feel so strongly about Nizam-E-Mustafa and Dar-Ul-Islam, then come and die on the battlefield, instead of propaganda nonsense. Dear Jihadi's we will be merciful to you and deliver you to Heaven, Hell or Whatever/Wherever it might be.
INDIA MUST vanquish RADICAL ISLAM, INDIA does NOT have a choice. Every INDIAN is aware that we were born millions of times before, so sacrificing ONE birth for our beloved motherland is nothing. We know we MUST pay a price to protect our CULTURE and FREEDOM and we are eager to work out our KARMA in the battlefield.
Once again, please learn to live in harmony with ALL religions and nations, otherwise islam will self destruct itself and be wiped out from the face of the earth.
INDIA has awakened and NONE can stop HER.
Look up the lineage of Qaid-E-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah on WIKIPEDIA.
"Jinnah's ancestors were Hindu Rajputs who had converted to Islam. Jinnah's family belonged to the Ismaili Khoja branch of Shi'a Islam, though Jinnah later converted to Twelver Khoja Shia Islam"
This is quote from wikipedia Sir.
Not only was he SHIA but his ancestors were Rajputs. It is clearly mentioned, in every single historical evidence of Jinnah.
Also please look up every single historical book before 1940 (i.e. before the many dishonest historians started plying their trade). Every single pre 1940 history will clearly indicate that ancestors of current day subcontinent muslims were HINDUS.
However irony is that even muslim in Kerala will claim he is from Turkey, when he looks nothing like a Turkish person.
Added to this when subcontinent muslims go to Haj to seek blessing of the Great Prophet Mohammad, they are are insulted as "Al Hind, Al Kafir". This is not new phenoman but even Indians who went to Haj before 1940's were insulted with this term "Al Hind, Al Kafir". Hence the Prophets blessings will also be with INDIA and INDIA WILL vanquish Radical Islam.
Also please reflect on Balochistan, please reflect on mass murder or Shias, Ahmediyas and Bohras. Why no protests on streets of pakistan about this??? Because majority of pakistanis believe in Nizam-E-Mustafa, Dar-ul-Islam and radical interpretation of SUNNI RADICAL ISLAM.
Anyway, dear Jihadi's please do not attempt to shadow box like eunuchs? Don't indulge in hidden terrorist activities like an eunuch and do harm to our unarmed civilians in my sacred motherland. Please meet us in the battlefield, if you really feel so strongly about Nizam-E-Mustafa and Dar-Ul-Islam, then come and die on the battlefield, instead of propaganda nonsense. Dear Jihadi's we will be merciful to you and deliver you to Heaven, Hell or Whatever/Wherever it might be.
INDIA MUST vanquish RADICAL ISLAM, INDIA does NOT have a choice. Every INDIAN is aware that we were born millions of times before, so sacrificing ONE birth for our beloved motherland is nothing. We know we MUST pay a price to protect our CULTURE and FREEDOM and we are eager to work out our KARMA in the battlefield.
Once again, please learn to live in harmony with ALL religions and nations, otherwise islam will self destruct itself and be wiped out from the face of the earth.
INDIA has awakened and NONE can stop HER.
Look up the lineage of Qaid-E-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah on WIKIPEDIA.
"Jinnah's ancestors were Hindu Rajputs who had converted to Islam. Jinnah's family belonged to the Ismaili Khoja branch of Shi'a Islam, though Jinnah later converted to Twelver Khoja Shia Islam"
This is quote from wikipedia Sir.
Not only was he SHIA but his ancestors were Rajputs. It is clearly mentioned, in every single historical evidence of Jinnah.
Also please look up every single historical book before 1940 (i.e. before the many dishonest historians started plying their trade). Every single pre 1940 history will clearly indicate that ancestors of current day subcontinent muslims were HINDUS.
However irony is that even muslim in Kerala will claim he is from Turkey, when he looks nothing like a Turkish person.
Added to this when subcontinent muslims go to Haj to seek blessing of the Great Prophet Mohammad, they are are insulted as "Al Hind, Al Kafir". This is not new phenoman but even Indians who went to Haj before 1940's were insulted with this term "Al Hind, Al Kafir". Hence the Prophets blessings will also be with INDIA and INDIA WILL vanquish Radical Islam.
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