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Poolside 1 BHK Apartment in Resort

Siolim, Goa, India
Serene Siolim- Gateway to the pristine beaches of North Goa at Tropical Dreams Resort with Lush green surroundings Ground Floor across the biggest swimming pool in Goa is furnished with SplitAC Ref...
Vacation Rentals in Siolim

Monday, March 22, 2010



* Never  tread a  beaten Path….leave  behind A blazing trail .
* Each dawn holds a new hope. For a new plan , Making  The start of each day the start Of a new life .
* The most important Ingredient in the formula Of success  is performing Consistently .

* life is a ….splendid torch ….And want to make it  Burn as brightly as possible Before handing It over to future generations .

*       “Excellence” Is an outcome ,of good Intentions
And the right ways To do a work .

* The difference between Ordinary  and Extraordinary  is that Little  extra .

* Every job is a self-portrait of  The person  who did it .
      Autograph  your work with Excellence .

* People seldom improve When they have no
    Other model but themselves To copy  after .

* Do not wish to be anything But what you are ,
     And try to be  that  perfectly .

* They only times you can’t After to fail is
     The  last time you try .

* Being  with little efforts, That add on to Make  a big difference .

* The harder you  work The luckier you get.

* Soar high  and keep Your feet On the ground .

* He is great  who can do What  he  wishes; he Is wise who wishes to do What he can .

* We are what we repeatedly Do. Excellence ,
     Then , is not an act but A  habit .

* There is always Room at the top .

* Unless you try to do something Beyond what you Have already mastered, you Will never grow .

* Don’t measure yourself By what you have
     Accomplished , but by what You should have
      Accomplished with your ability .

*        Many of life’s failure Are man who did not realize
       How close they were To success when they  gave up .

* Act as  though it were Impossible to fail .

* Knowledge is the Only treasure that Increase on sharing .

* The road to success Is paved with
      Good  intentions.

*     A winner is someone who sets his goal , commits himself to
     Those goals ,and then Pursues  them with all the
     Ability he has .

* Today’s preparation
          Determines tomorrow’s
     Achievement .

* Success  is not A matter of
     Chance but of  choice .

*    Winning isn’t Everything –it’s the Only thing.

* If you don’t  invest very much , Then defeat doesn’t Hurt very much and winning
               Is not very exciting .

* Great minds must be ready Not only to
      Take  opportunities , but to Make them .

* The difference between the Impossible and
     The possible lies in a man’s Determinations .

* To succeed-do the best You can ,where
      You are , with that  you Have .

* Big  lessons of
               Life are learnt from
     Little mistakes.

*     Good  is not
Good where better
      Is  expected .

*   It is more important to
Know where you are going ,
   Than to get there quickly~
Never mistake activity for
    Achievement .

* some men see thing as
           they are and say
     why? I dream thing that
            never were ,
    And say ,why not’?

* You may be disappointed
              If you fail ,
     You are doomed ,if you
               Don’t try .

* I always view
     As opportunities  in
                Work clothes .

*     If you have
Knowledge , let others
     Light a candle at it .

* when we have
          Done our
     Best ,we should await the
           Result in peace .

* if you can’t do
          great things,
     do small things in a
          Great way .

* people forget how fast
           you did a job-but
   They remember how well
           You did it .

*        if you’ve made
up your mind you can do
       something ,
you’re absolutely  right .

* well done is better
              than well said .

*     Real leaders are
Ordinary people with
    Extraordinary  determination.

* All glory comes
              From daring to being .

* We cannot direct the wind …
But we can adjust the sails.

* The secret  of success in
             Life is for a man  to
     Be ready for his opportunity
             When it comes .

* Things done
Half –heartedly,
Bear poor results.

* Only those who dare
            To fail greatly
     Can ever achieve
             Greatly .

* Failure is not the worst
Thing in the world .The very
      Worst is not to try .

* Real success puts all
             The players ahead.

*        It’s your
That can take you
    Any where .

* Doing nothing for
     Is the undoing of

*       It’s better
To have an idea ,than
      To have
Thousand opinions.

* Anything one man
            Can imagine, other men
     Can make real.

* Hope sees the invisible ,
               Feels the intangible
      And achieves  the impossible .

*      Faith makes all
Things possible. Hope makes all
      Things bright. A
Teacher makes all things easy.

* The man who can’t
            Believe in
     Himself, cannot believe
            In anything else .

* People support what
            They help create .

* The man who goes farthest
             Is generally the one
      Who is willing to do and dare .

* Write on your heart
             That every day is
      The best day of the year .

* It takes courage to push
          Yourself to places that you have
     Never been before …
  To test your limits…to break
      Through barriers .

* There is much more
           Learning than
     Knowing in the world .

* Listen to the faintest
           Sound ,for
    Opportunities knock
            Only once .

*      People with goals
Succeed because they know
     Where they are going .

* Don’t be afraid to take a big
            Step if one is indicated .
     You can’t cross a chasm in
             Two small jumps.

*      They joy that you
Give to others is the joy that
       Comes back to you.

* Faith and strength ….help
        You go through tough times .

* Have two goals : wisdom-
          That is- ,knowing and
     Doing right-and common
          Sense. don’t
      Let them slip away .

* Aspire , act and
          Achieve .

* The greatest mistake
          A man can make is to be
     Afraid of making one .

* Never believe in
        Excuses ,believe in
     Work done .

* Weak desires bring weak
            Results, just as a
      Small amount of fire makes a
             Small amount of heat .

*     Nothing great will ever
Be achieved without great men ,
     And men are great only
If they are determined to be so .

* The art of being
         Wise is the
     Art of knowing what to
          Overlook .

* The real failure is not  the
         One who doesn’t
     Get his goals but the one
         Who gives up.

*    Learn more;
Then you will know how
    Much more
You need to learn .

*        If there were no
Obstacles, there would
      Have been
No achievements  .

*    In the moment that
   You carry this conviction …in
        That moment your
    Dream will become a reality .

* paralyze resistance
         with persistence.

*     We all mould one
Another’s dreams .we all hold
      One  another’s fragile
Hopes in our hands .we all
      Touch others heart .

*      No  problem
Can withstand the power
     Of sustained
Creative thought.

*      What could be more
     Important than helping
          To shape and
     Mould  other’s lives?

* The  world hunger
For positive attitudes .

* In order to succeed we must
           First believe that we can .

* Success begins with
            One’s faith  and
     Is a state of mind .

* Great achievements begin
          With  small opportunities .

* An advice is like snow ,the
           Softer it falls ,the
      Deeper it penetrates and the
            Longer it dwells .

* Life…gives you the chance
          To love ,to work ,to
     Play , and to look up at
          The stars.

*    Keep your
Heart right ,even
   When it is
 Sorely wounded.

*    You won’t win
If you don’t begin.

* The person who is not
          Hungry says
     That the coconut has
           A hard shell.

* Everyone you meet knows
           Something you don’t
    Know. Be wiling to learn
           From them .

*    Reflect upon your present
Blessing ,of which every man
   Has plenty ; not on your
Past  misfortunes ,of which all
     Men have some .

* Nothing stands in front
            Of a willing heart
      And strong determination.

*      Enthusiasm :
A  little thing that makes a
     Big difference.

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