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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saga of Vikramaditya Hemraj - A Great Son of Mother India

Saga of Vikramaditya Hemraj
A Great Son of Mother India
source: http://www.indianresurgence.com/history4.htm

The story of Raja Vikramaditya Hemraj or Himu is one of the most spectacular arid brightest episodes of Indian history, that narrates the life of an extraordinary brilliant son of Bharat Mata, who, during the heyday of Muslim rule in this country, could raise himself from a humble vegetable vendor to the highest government post of a prime Minister or Wazir (that too in the court of a Muslim king), and ultimately to the throne of Delhi, assuming the title of Vikramaditya or Raja Vikramjit, by dint of sheer merit, ability, extraordinary military skill and bravery.

Most of the Hindu heroes of that time, like Rana Pratap, Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan, Maharana Sangram Singh etc. were born in aristocrat royal families, but Himu did not have any such advantage, and this is enough to estimate his towring personality. So, to adore him, the eminent historian Shri R. C. Majumdar writes, “For there is no doubt that he (Himu) furnishes the only shining example of Hindu, born and brought up as such in a Muslim state, who once dominated the political stage of Northern India by Sheer merit and personality, without any advantage of birth and fortune. As  no such attempt seems to have been made in any general history of India so far, no apology is needed for the short sketch of life and activities of the Great Hindu Commoner, Hemchandra, called by his Afghan followers, after his accession to the throne of Delhi, Himu Shah".[1]

But it is really unfortunate that our so called secular historians, following their sinister political guideline of Muslim appeasement, are glorifying the foreign Muslim invaders like Akbar, by concealing their demonic activities and projecting patriotic fighters, like Himu, as villains. These people, guided by the said policy of Muslim appeasement and motivated by allurement, are going on writing distorted history of this country and thus depriving the people and their posterity from getting acquainted with their real history.

The Muslim rulers who massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent Hindus within a single day, in umpteen occasions, these historians are projecting those killers as honest and benevolent rulers. Those blood-thirsty Muslim rulers who, by coercion and torture, converted crores of Hindus to Islam at the point of sword, these despicable sub-humans called secular historians are trying to portray those Muslim despots as noble hearted magnanimous kings. The foreign Muslim invaders who demolished hundreds of thousands of Hindu temples or converted them into mosques, these historians are describing them as generous people liberal in the matter of religion. 

The abominable and lecherous Muslim invaders, who carried hundreds of thousands of Hindu women and children as captives to the Middle East to be sold as slaves, these wicked historians are painting them as kind end soft-hearted rulers. Those foreign Muslim invaders, who forcibly occupied the forts and palaces of Hindu kings and did not lay a single brick, these historians are highlighting them as great admirers of architecture or great architects, and we fools are cramming those narrations years after years, without assessing the realities of those narrations.

But we, the citizens of free India, have every right to know our true history. We have every right to know, who this Himu was and what were his achievements. We have the right to know the spectacular life of this great son of Mother India, a great patriot who sacrificed his life to defend the foreign occupier Akbar. And, had not by an accident, an arrow pierced Himu's eye and rendered him unconscious on November 5, 1556, the day on which the Second Battle of Panipat was fought, we would have a different history to read- the chapter of Mughal Dynasty would have been replaced by the Hindu Dynasty of Vikramaditya Heraraj.

When the brilliant star named Himu appeared in the sky of Northern India, the political scenario was extremely chaotic. In fact, it was the period of intense struggle between Afghan and Mughal invaders to acquire the right to devastate India. In 1540 A.D., Sher Shah defeated the Mughal invader Humayun in a battle near Vilgram on May 17, and ascended the throne of Delhi, and after his death on May 22, 1545, anarchy appeared again. The nobles made Jalal Khan, the second son of Sher Shah, the Sultan of Delhi, depriving the eldest Adil Khan as the latter was incompetent, lazy, and ease-loving. After ascending the throne, Jalal Khan assumed the title of Islam Shah. Soon after, a group of nobles made a conspiracy to murder Islam Shah and put Adil on the throne. But the plan divulged and Islam Shah put all the conspirators to the sword.

On November 22, 1554, Islam Shah, after ruling for 9 years and' 6 months, died and his nobles put his minor son Firuz on to the throne. But after a few months, Mubariz Khan, a cousin of Firuz, murdered him and ascended the throne assuming the new name of Muhammad Adil Shah. But he was unsuitable as a ruler. On the other hand, the news of Islam Shah's death inspired Humayun to invade India and recover his lost territory. At this juncture, Bairam Khan came to Humayun's help that enhanced his strength considerably and enable him to re-conquer Kabul, News of these developments made Adil very shaky and he gave up all the responsibilities to his most trusted employee Himu, a Hindu officer, and this incident facilitated Himu to raise himself as the most important man in North Indian politics.

This was the time when the star of Himu's fortune shone brightest- Adil Shah appointed him the Wzir (Prime Minister) and the incident initiated his rapid rise. But most of the Muslim historians did not like an infidel to hold the highest post in the court of a Muslim king and hence they tried to blacken his character it every opportunity.

Who this Himu was ?

Historian R. C, Majumdar, in this regard, writes, “Himu was born in a poor family of Dhansar section of the Baniya caste, living in a town in the southern part of Alwar".[2]  Muslim historian Badayuni has described him as a resident of a small town called Rewari in the taluk of Mewat, and according to him, Himu began his life as a green vendor.[2]  Others believe that Himu was a hawker in the town of Mewat.[2]  However, at a certain stage, he succeeded to draw the attention of Adil Shah, who appointed him the Superintendent of the Delhi market. But by dint of his sincerity and sense of responsibility, he became a favourite of Adil, who started to elevate him to more and wore responsible posts. When Adil Shah died, Himu was the Chief of the Intelligence Department and, at the same time, the Head of the Postal Department (Daroga-i-Dak Chowki).

To introduce Himu, the Muslim historian Ahmmad Yadgar, in his Tarikh-I-Salatin-i-Afghana, writes, “There was a man named Himu, who was a weighman in the bazar, who found means to approach the King on different affairs, and in whom he daily reposed more and more confidence. By degrees he became very powerful and influential, so that he managed the business of the State”.[ 3]

At that time, Junaid Khan, the governor of Bayana, and his son, the phaujdar of Ajmir  rebelled. Adil Shah sent Jamal Khan against him with a large force. But in a severe battle at Kanulapur, Junaid became victorious. The incident made Adil very depressed. Then Himu said, “O Lord of the World, if you will trust me with a small force, I will either overcome   Junaid Khan, or perish in the attempt".[4]  The King yielded to his solicitations and sent Himu with 3000 or 4000 horsemen and four war-elephants. Junaid deputed his assistant Daulat Khan to defend Himu. A battle was fought and Daulat Khan was defeated and slain.

Then Junaid himself advanced with 8000 strong cavalry to confront Himu, while Himu had only 3000 horses. So he decided to attack the enemy in the darkness of night and Ahremad Yadgar, in his Tarikh-i-Salatin-i-Afghana, writes, “The enemy remained on the alert during the three watches of the night; but in the last watch they grew negligent and fell asleep, The soldiers of Adil Shah fell furiously on them on all sides. Himu did not give the time to put enemy their armour and the Afghans, sword in hand, passed through their enemy slaughtering all they met.”[5] Himu then went to the court of Adil Shah and Yadgar writes, “He (Himu) then stood with folded hands in front of the throne. Adil Shah honoured him with a purple khilat (garment), the coller and the skirt of which were covered with jewels".[ 6]

At that time, Ibrahim Khan, a cousin of Adil.Shah and the governor of Agra, rebelled. Adil Shah sent a detachment against him, but Ibrahim routed them. Then Ibrahim marched towards Delhi and ultimately occupied the  city. Inspired by the success of Ibrahim, Ahmmad Khan Sur, the governor of Lahore and brother-in-law of Adil, assumed the name Sikandar Shah and rebelled. In the east, Muhammad Khan Sur, the governor of Bengal revolted and assumed the title of Shamsuddin Muhammad Ghazi. So the empire of Sher Shah got divided into four parts, Delhi and Agra went to Ibrahim Khan, Punjab went to Sikandar Shah, Bengal to Shamsuddin Muhammad and the remai­ning part under the control of Adil Shah.

Meanwhile, in 1555, Sikandar Shah invaded Delhi, in a severe battle he defeated Ibrahim and thus Delhi went under the control of Sikandar. On the other hand, the rivalry among the Afghans provided a great opportunity for the Mughals to recover their lost empire. In November 1554, Humayun left Kabul, advanced towards Lahore, and in February 1555, gained control over the city almcst without any resistance. Then Sikandar Shah marched against Humayun with a 30,000 strong cavalry. A severe battle took place at Machhiara near Ludhiana and Sikandar Shah suffered a complete defeat. Sikandar then marched against Humayun with 80,000 horsemen, but he was again defeated in a battle near Sirhind and fled to Sivallk Hills.

Ascendency of Himu:

In that hour of crises. AdiJ Shah Appointed Himu the Wazir, or the Prime Minister of his court and handed over civil, military, finance and, in fact, every other responsibility to him. It is really surprising that Adil Shah, a Muslim king, selected a Hindu kafir for the highest position of his government, and there is no doubt that had Adil could find Muslim candidate suitable for the post, he would certainly not have selected an infidel like Himu for the post. The incident shows that the competency of Himu, for the post, was out of any dispute.

After assuming the new responsibility, Himu at once marched against Ibrahim and defeated him twice, first at  Kalpi and then at Khanwa. To narrate Himu's victory, Nizamuddin Ahmroad in his Tabakat-i-Akbari, writes, Adil now sent, the bakkal, who was the Wazir, with a large force, and with 500 war-elephants and artillery, against Agra and Delhi. When Himu reached Kalpi, he resolved to dispose of Ibrahim first and hastened to meet him. A great battle followed, in which Himu was victorious, and Ibrahim fled to his father at Bayana, Himun followed and Invested Bayana, which he besieged for three months".[7]  Himu then marched against Muhammad Shah and a battle was fought at Chhapparghatta , a place 20 miles away from Kalpl. Muhammad Shah was defeated and Himu gained control over Bengal.[8]

Meanwhile, on January 26, 1556, Humayun died and Himu sought permission of Adil to attack Delhi. Ahmmad Yadgar narrates, “Himun went in front of the throne and said, “O King, the case is this; he (Akbar) is now a child of ten years old, who has lost his father, and the Mughal army is not yet firmly established. It is easy to root up a small plant". Adil Shah derived confidence from his speech and prepared a powerful force. He sent 7000 horsemen and 20 war-elephants with Himun, who went march by march to Gwalior”.[9]  From Gwallor, Himu advanced towards Agra and Adil Shah, on the other hand, went to the safe place at the fort of Chunar.

As Himu got closer to Agra, frightened Iskandar Khan, the Mughal governor of the city, fled to Delhi. So Himu occupied Agra practically without resistance and then the victorious Wazir marched towards Delhi. Alikuli Khan, the Mughal governor of Delhi, also prepared a strong force to confront Himu and a fierce battle followed. 

Ahmmad Yadgar, to narrate the incident, writes, “When Himu saw that the Mughals were in good spirit and the Afghans disheartened, he advanced with his own division and routed them. They (Mughals) were unable to rally, and as they were utterly defeated, they took to flight. Himu pursued them and slaughtered many, ... So much plunder of Mughal army fell into Himun's hands that it was impossible to take an account of it -160 elephants, l000 horses of Arab breed and an immense quantity of property and valuables".[10]

Then victorious Himu entered Delhi and Nizamuddin Ahmmad, in his Tarikh -i-Akbari , writes,"Himun had greatly vaunted his achievements at Delhi and had taken to himself the title of Raja Bikrsmjit”.[11]  To narrate the same victory, Ahmmad Yadgar, in his Tarikh-i-Salatin-i-Afghana, writes, “Himun rejoiced this victory, sent an account of his success, together with the Spoils captured from the Mughals, to Adll Shah, who was exceedingly pleased when he received it,…He (Adil Shah) gave a great festival and sent Himun a dress of honour, adorned with jewels and worked with gold threads”.[12]  

Ahmmad Yadgar continues to write," ... he (Himu) entered Delhi, raised the Imperial Canopy over him and ordered coins to be struck in his name. He appointed a governor (of Delhi) of his own and brought the Delhi territory and the neighbouring parganas under his control and in order to console the King, he sent an account of the victory in these words,"Your slave, by the royal fortune, has routed the Mughal army, … but I hear that Humayun's son commands a numerous force and advancing against Delhi”. [13]

Himu’s Misfortune:

The news of fall of Delhi and the skill and braveiy of Himu reached the Mughal prince Akber in time. Nearly 10 months later, Akbar, with a great force of 26,000 horsemen under the command of Bairam Khan marched towards Delhi. So Ahmmad Yadgar writes, "He (Akbar) marched without halting, with Bairam Khan. …When they reached Thanesar, a census was taken of the army, which was found to consist of 26,000 horsemen".[14]  And to describe Himu's army, Nizamuddin Ahmmad in his Tarikh-i-Akbari, writes, "He (Himu) had gathered under his command a mighty force and had 1600 war-elephants. With those, he hastened to meet the Imperial (Mughal) army”.[15]

The battle began in the morning on 5th November, 1556, at Panipat and to describe the same, Nizamuddim Ahmmad writes, “Himun then advanced with his elephants, and made such a determined charge on the Imperial army that the left wing was shaken…. Himu then drew off his forces, and made an assault upon the centre, which was under the command of Khan-Zaman. He led all his elephants against the Khan's men, who received him with shower of Arrows. An arrow pierced the eye of Hemun, and came out at the back of his head. When those who were fighting under him saw his condition, their hands were paralyzed, and they broke. The Imperial forces pursued them, and cut many of then, to pieces.”[16]  According to Abul Fazl, Himu had divided his army into three divisions and he himself was leading the central division with 500 elephants and 20,000 Afghan and Rajput horsemen.[17]  So, many believe, when Himu was on the verge of winning the this battle, the accident occured, leading to his defeat.

Ahumad Yadgar had tried to invent a reason for Himu's defeat, which is extremely incredible. He writes, "The evening preceding the day on which he (Himu) expected the battle, he went to the sanctified mausoleum Kutub-ul-Aktab of His Highness Kutb-ul-Hakk, (the pole-star of religion of Islam), ......and placing the head of entreaty on the august threshold, vowed that, if he were destined to conquer Delhi, if the throne of Delhi were granted to him, he would become a Musulman on his return to Delhi, and diffuse the religion of Muhammad".[18]  Yadgar continues, “The Almighty (Allah) gave them (Mughals) victory. But he (Himu) perjured himself, and did not become a Musulman, or forsake his heathen prejudices; nay, he even persecuted the Musulmans. But at last he saw, what he did see".[18]

Yadgar also writes that, on the previous night, Himu became extremely disheartened after a dream of bad omen. He writes, ”.. he (Himu) beheld in a dream, a torrent come down and carry away the elephant on which he was mounted. When he was nearly drowned, a Mughal came and cast a chain round his neck, and drew him out". On the next day, "... an interpreter said, "The torrent which you saw is the Mughal army,..and the chain signifies; the blood which will flow from your body when you are wounded…”.[18]  This made Himu much frightened, but he said, “The very reverse of the dream will happen". [18]

But, in fact, it was Akbar who got frightened by observing the valour of Himu and his mighty force, and Bairam Khan, to inspire him, said, "This is the commencement of His Majesty's reign. This infidel has routed the whole Mughal army, and is now making preparations against us. If you do your best in this business, with one heart and soul, Hindustan is yours.  I place my trust in Allah. If we fail in this, you, whose homes are at a distance of 500 kos (1000 miles), will not be able to find an sylum”. [19]

However, the military skill and bravery that Himu displayed in the battle field on November 5, could not have been ignored by even the Muslim historians. So Ahmmad Ysdgar writes, “Himu, having made himself ready for action came out into the plain, and seated himself in a howda on an elephant in order the that he might be able to overlook and superintend  his troops, ... Bairan Khan also drew up the people of Chaghatai to the right and left in battle array,.. Bairam Khan placed Akbar Mirza's own private tent in an elevated position, and left 3000 horse to guard him,  ... Himu was excessively arrogant on account of his troops and elephants. He advanced, fought, and routed the Mughals, whose heads lay in heaps, and whose blood flowed in streams. He thus at first vanquished the Mughals……”.[20]

But fortune was not with Himu and his victory turned into a defeat due to an accident and Yadgar writes, "... by the decree of the Almighty, an arrow struck Himu in the forehead. He told his elephant driver to take the eleph­ant out of the field of battle, then the Afghans saw that the animal was retreating, they believed that Himun was flying.  … as no benefit is ever derived from disloyalty, he Sustained a complete defeat".[20]

To narrate the same incident, Vincent Smith writes, “On November 5, Himu succeeded in throwing both the right and the left wings of his opponents into confusion, and sought to make his victory decisive by bringing all his mountain-like elephants to bear on the centre of the enemy, commanded by Khan Zaman. Probably he would have won but for the accident that he was struck in the eye by an arrow which pierced his brain and rendered him unconscious".[21]

According to Yadgar, Alikuli Khan could trace the elephant of Himu in  the forest, brought it back and placed Himu before Bairam Khan, and writes, "Bairjm Khan ... caused Himu to descend from the elephant, after which he bound his hands, and took him before the young and fortunate Prince, and said, "As this is our first success, let your Highness's own august hand smite this infidel with the sword". The Prince, accordingly, struck him, and divided his head from his unclean body".[22]

Nizamuddin Ahmmad, to describe the incident, writes, "Shah Kuli Khan,… drove the elephant , along with several others which had been captured in the field, to the presence of the Emperor. Bairam Khan Khan Kanan then put Himu to death with his own hand.[23]  So, according to Nizamuddln Ahmmad, Bairam Khan executed himu with his own hand. And similar was the view maintained by Bidayuni, Abul Fazl and Faizi. So, Badayuni writes, Bairam Khan said, "This is your first war (ghazd), prove your sword on this infidel, for it will be a meritorious deed", Akbar replied, "He is now no better than a dead man, how can I strike him? If he had sense and strength, I would try my sword”. Then, in the presence of them all, the Khan, the warrior of the faith, cut him down with his sword. Himun's head was sent to Kabul, and his body to Delhi, to be exposed over the gates". [23]

But according to Vincent Smith, Akbar himself struck Himu with his sword to earn the title of Ghazi , and writes, "Bairam Khan desired Akbar to earm the title of Ghazi, or slayer of the infidel, by fleshing his sword on the captive. The boy naturally obeyed his guardian and smote Hemu on the neck with his scimitar. The bystanders also plunged their swords into the bleeding corpse.  Hemu's head was sent to Kabul to be exposed, and his trunk gibbeted at one of the gates of Delhi".[24]

He also writes," Akbar, a boy of fourteen cannot be justly blamed for complying with the instructions of Bairam Khan. ... The official story, that a magnanimous sentiment of unwillingness to strike a helpless priso­ner already half dead compelled him (Akbar) to refuse to obey his guardian's instructions, seems to be the late invention of courtly flatterers, and is opposed to the clear statement of Ahmed Yadgar and the Dutch writer, van der Broecke, as well as to the probabilities of the case".[24]  That was the pathetic end of the saga of a great son of Mother India, who tried his best to restore independence of this ancient country, our beloved motherland, by defeating the Muslim invaders and occupiers, but did not succeed only due to a mere accident. Furthermore, it is a matter of great regret that the people of this country have forgotten that great Hindu hero and the fascinating story of his life, achievements and sacrifice.

But the tale of Himu did not end with his death. Intelligence came to Akbar that Himu's father, his wife and other members of his family were living in Alwar, with their properties and wealth, and, on the pretext of a possible revolt by Haji Khan, the governor of Alwar, he sent a detachment to Alwar, under the command of Nasir-ul-mulk, a.k.a, Pir Muhammad. The Mughal has brought the Mewat region under the rule of Delhi and Pir Muhammad executed Himu's father. To narrate the incident, Abul Fazl, in his Akbamama, writes, “Himu's father was taken alive, and brought before Nasir-ul-mulk, who tried to convert him to the faith (of Islam); but the old man said, "For eighty years, I have worshipped God in way of my own religion; how can I forsake my faith? Shall I, through fear of death, embrace your religion without understanding it?” Maulana Pir Muhammad treated his question as unheard, but gave an answer with the tongue of the sword”.[25]

Historian R. C, Majumdar, while offering his respect to Himu, writes, "Such was the noble end of the family of a great Hindu who was born in a humble life, but made his way to the throne of Delhi by dint of sheer ability and military skill - a unique episode in the history of India during the Muslim rule”[25]

Almost all the Muslim chroniclers have tried to paint Himu a traitor and disloyal, because he ascended the throne of Delhi, in stead of offer­ing the same to his master Adil Shah. But, in this context, R. C. Majumdar writes "No one today can reasonably claim to know the thoughts in Himu's mind. But a little reflection will show that there was nothing unreasonable or immoral in the aspiration of Himu. No doubt, personal ambition played a great part, but it may not be altogether wrong to think that he was also inspired by the idea of founding a Hindu Raj. This is supported by his assumption to the title of Vikramaditya".[27]  And, perhaps, most shameful  as well as most deplorable is the role of the so called secular historians of independent India who, like the Muslim historians, are continuing their efforts to blacken Himu's character by portraying him a betrayer to his Muslim Master.

So Shri R. C. Majumdar, in this context, writes, “Unfortunately, Himu's history has been written almost wholly by his enemies who dreaded him most, and, far from doing justice to his greatness, they have tarnished his name with unmerited odium. It is time to resuscitate the memory and give a true account of the life of Hemchandra, a really great hero, whose dreams and achievements have been forgotten by his countrymen”.


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